Discarding products without developer notice

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By General Picture Animation - 2 Years Ago
I've been wondering why I haven't gotten any royalties for several years, and finally decided to check on the availability of my products in Marketplace. What I have found is that nothing I've ever developed can now be found. Please explain Reallusion's policies towards developers when the company decides to drop them. I consider the lack of notice not only a gross insult, but clearly unprofessional. As a matter of fact, if I think back far enough to the early days, Reallusion was also dismissive of my contributions to user reels, not to mention the lack of developer showcase that could have included me. My support helped build this company in the early days. Thanks for all the loyalty! 
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
I have products from years ago that are still available.

A while ago decicated user pages were abandoned. You now have to search for the name under which you published and the projects should appear.
By General Picture Animation - 2 Years Ago
Keyword searches, including the literal product names, turn up nothing except other developer's products.

By General Picture Animation - 2 Years Ago
I've given RL a few days to respond, but there has been nothing. This is consistent with the problem of its contempt.
By Peter (RL) - Last Year
Many years ago a lot of content originally created for iClone 1 and 2 was removed because of compatibility issues with latest versions of iClone. This may have been when your content was removed. I believe an email was sent out to let affected developers know.

At the time I was still down as a developer and my own packs were removed during the purge. However, I do remember a notification being sent. Support should be able to clarify this for you though.