“ROKOKO TV” Intergalactic Animation Challenge

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By thebiz.movies - 2 Years Ago
Pretty cool little contest.  Create a 7 second clip using free assets or maybe Rokoko Vision (free AI video based mocap) for prizes and infamy.

By thebiz.movies - Last Year
double post.
By thebiz.movies - Last Year
Even if you do not submit an entry its definitely worth taking a look at the free resources.  I've downloaded nearly 400 free pretty decent mocapped fbx animations that have decent descriptions and can be loaded on a character in Iclone with one click.  Some good assets here.
By Nirwana - Last Year
I tried to but cannot download any of the free mocap motions.
By thebiz.movies - Last Year
You can take a look at this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7B2HuSJKMs) which briefly describes around the 8 minute mark the free assets in the mocap marketplace and the free resources from the livestream sessions (this is the stuff I'm referring to).  I just enter my info and it takes me to an icloud type of page where all the files are available for download.

In other news I finally got around to making a submission for the contest.  Huzzah!

By Nirwana - Last Year
OK, apparently I would need to be logged into the site/Rokoko Studio. I was trying to download the stuff directly from the site with no logging in.
By thebiz.movies - Last Year
Here is the final project that combines the hundreds of entrees into one 13 minute video.  Its a very cool collaborative project.  Im amazed at the quality of the entrees (my own excluded...haha).  Pretty fun to watch.