Animation taking off a hat and placing again. Is there someone who knows where can i find it or give me some tips how to make it.?
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By cynsegura - 2 Years Ago
Amimation, taking off hat and placing it back, before start talking. Is there someone who knows where can i find it or give me some tips how to make it.?
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
If your hat is Attached to the head, then Detach it and Link back to the head instead.
Then on at the timeline when it's time to lift it, link it to the hand, raise the hand and lower it back. And then again link the hat to the head.
I have this old, improvised tutorial to hide the hair under the hat and link it. You may start watching from 3:55:

By cynsegura - 2 Years Ago
Many thanks for your video and your explanation. I was hours trying to make this. But I didn't get. I need to make the animation like he is saluting with the hat. I attached file that I placed in google drive and a photo. I am delighted to pay you if you can help me to make this. I can send you payment though paypal. Many thanks anyway for your time!
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
I see the photo and might be able to help, but you have to attach more meaningful file instead of a book in PDF :hehe:
By cynsegura - 2 Years Ago
Oh, sorry I got confused with the file
Here it goes. Many thanks!!!

By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
The problem you had there was related to the Reach Target enabled for the left hand.
Unless you clear that track, you cannot link anything to the hand.

There was also no need to subdivide costume and make 2M polygons for the project.
I run Auto Smooth in CC Edit Normals to make it appear smooth.
By cynsegura - 2 Years Ago
Many thanks! Can you send me your email ? Do you use paypal? I want to lodge some money to say thanks for your time!! 
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
cynsegura (10/30/2023)
Many thanks! Can you send me your email ? Do you use paypal? I want to lodge some money to say thanks for your time!! 

That's alright, thanks. I do not charge users on the forum ;)