New Management Backend Launched (Oct 2023)
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By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
New Management Backend Launched

Reallusion values each of our users and developers. In order to provide you with a better publishing experience, our R&D team spent a year collecting feedback from many users and developers in order to improve with the interface optimization and new features of the Management Backend. The new backend can now also receive and download the latest relevant updates information. Newly enhanced features include: Dashboard, Promotion, Message Center, Subscription, and Tag setting.
By gordryd - 2 Years Ago
Hi Peter,
In the new Backend, it has a section called "Income Detail", but there is no detail there, only monthly totals...would like to see a section that shows actual detail, like the old "Transaction Report".

By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
Aside from Dashboard, it's an old back engine with trimmed features under the new design interface. Very disappointing. :Whistling:
I'd rather stay with V1