Is there data available on what search terms are used by buyers?
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By DRLarkin - 2 Years Ago
Brand new to CC4.  Was wondering if developers had access to any data that would help with marketing and development decisions.
Meaning, what is it that people want?  What are the most searched keywords?  What items are getting views and which are getting sold?
Not looking for who is buying or selling, just the what.
By Sophus - 2 Years Ago
I can imagine that most animations are searched for adult content. But that can't be sold on the Reallusion store. 
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
Sophus (9/26/2023)
I can imagine that most animations are searched for adult content. But that can't be sold on the Reallusion store. 

That seems idle speculation...:blush:

I'm a Marketplace developer and I don't believe information about searches is available at the moment. At least, I have never seen it mentioned or requested before.
By DRLarkin - 2 Years Ago
Do you think it would be helpful?
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
DRLarkin (9/26/2023)
Do you think it would be helpful?

I'm not very active but I think it could be useful for more active developers. 

Besides search terms there are of course also the various categories one can search on (via drop-downs).

I remember a discussion about searching from a user perspective, where someone suggested a search by theme so that if you wanted to make a Western items related to Westerns would come up.