Urgent Help needed - Cant install Live Face

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By K_Digital - 2 Years Ago
Hello there,

EDITED: Solution see below:
Trying to install Live Face For for CTA5.12 does not work on Windows 7 because the HUB forces 5.12 to update to 5.2 which does not work under WIn7.
i wrote about it here https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/5-2-Crashing-on-WIN7-how-can-i-downgrade-to-5-12

The solution was to restore a backup and manually download the installer from the RL website. Live Face is visible now, hope it will work too ...:angry:

By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Realistically you really need to upgrade to Windows 10 or 11. Windows 7 was a great OS but it is no longer supported by Microsoft so just using it online is a security risk. It will also not be long before all Reallusion software stops supporting Windows 7 as well. Now is the time to upgrade if you wish to continue using latest upgrades and new versions.
By K_Digital - 2 Years Ago
If RL decides not to support Win7 anymore, RL should either make an announcement or disallow the software to install on WIN7.
This way the user can at least continiue with the last working version. Many users may have not the knowlege to turn back a version manually
in case they get stuck with an update not working.

By animagic - 2 Years Ago
K_Digital (9/18/2023)
If RL decides not to support Win7 anymore, RL should either make an announcement or disallow the software to install on WIN7.
This way the user can at least continiue with the last working version. Many users may have not the knowlege to turn back a version manually
in case they get stuck with an update not working.

I agree. It should also clearly be stated in the System Requirements, which still mention Windows 7.