Eyeball Mesh position changes after skinning

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By divyamulawekar - 2 Years Ago
While using the facial expressions in character creator 4, I changed the position of the eyeballs and placed them exactly at the center of the eyeball mesh in order to get the center rotation of the eyeball. But skinning the eyeball the mesh changes it's position. The model is rigged using accu rig and then brought in character creator for facial rigging. kindly help to sort this issue.
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
Skin Weights has a few bugs currently. What you do, is weight mesh to the bone first and then do bones centering.
By divyamulawekar - 2 Years Ago
Thank you for the reply.
Yes I tried that. While using motion live I am observing the distortion in eyes and head. For eyes i guess the bones position might be the reason. Head is scaling while head turn and eyes are bulging. In character creator > facial expressions > all slides are working as per added blend shapes except head and eyes. https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/ac932fc2-cc44-4cfd-8db5-2fb1.jpg 
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
It's probably a skinning issue, or misplaced eyes/head bones.
Generally you should make base Head and Eye Look morphs in CC with respective bones.
If desired, an additional mesh morphing could be added for Eye Look Morphs.

I made this routine for the character straight out of AccuRig.
The only issue in the latest version of CC with Head morphs is,
that after making every Head morph you should restart Face Editor (weird issue and maybe related to my CC installation).
And in Preferences > Face Profile Editor, the setting should be "Remove All"

Here is that character in Live Face


By st180492 - 2 Years Ago
Hello 4u2ges, I just wanted to tell you that I've been following your posts on the forum, and I'm impressed by your knowledge. Your videos are more than helpful. I just wanted to ask if you have a YouTube channel. Thank you once again.
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago

Thanks, my channel was shut down not so long ago and I had to recreate it: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu7ij7RTcThGh0FwdJaf3w
But I upload most of the videos to vimeo nowadays.

By divyamulawekar - 2 Years Ago
Thank you so much for the tutorial..this solved my issue :)
Thanks a lot for the help.
By divyamulawekar - 2 Years Ago
Hi 4u2ges,
in live face, the character head up/down and head left/right is not consistent. Sometimes it is taking the up or down blend shapes sometimes not!
It is creating a glitch in between the head movement. Same with the jaw movement.
I have filled all the blend shape sliders and are working fine when used without live face.
what may cause this?
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
You may re-verify all blend-shapes for the character by running a Motion from animation player in CC - Face Rig > Extended or Standard _Step.
If all is OK, I'd check for latency with Tracking Data Inspector and generally restored all to default if you had some custom profiles.
Otherwise check with some other character to compare.
By divyamulawekar - 2 Years Ago
Hello @4u3ges,
I have batch created expressions & visemes for another humanoid character with fbx file using Maya.
Once comlpeted I tried to import the completed fbx file in character creator same as the steps given in the following tutorial :

It takes some time to load and no data is imported. All sliders are blank.
I tried again , then some data was imported and that was not following the expression 100%.

Please give some solution on this.