Iclone and Unreal

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By restif - Last Year
I've been working on my CC4 characters to use them in Unreal Engine.
I've loved the results and how iclone works with it. Love iclone to make my animations for sure.

I've done a short test with one of my characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgg-UHHHmRU using her CC4 persona.

The character originally is a Genesis 3 characters translated in CC4. I really, really like how CC4 works.

Attached is a comparison of my character in the original form, the CC4 persona, and Metahuman persona in unreal.
I prefer out of them all the CC4 persona.
Hope you like it.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/f1872907-2167-4621-bf17-6530.jpg
By Deanimation - Last Year
restif that test has come out well :D