Content Downloader Problem !!!
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By freaky_14 - 2 Years Ago
How can I uninstall and reinstall the Content Downloader.
Windows 11 in the apps it is not available.
I can't download my purchased G3 Actors.
The download works normally, when it is finished the window remains blank.
Only red crosses are shown.
Haven't received a reply from customer service yet.
Have CTA4.
Already reinstalled CTA4, didn't help either, still doesn't work.

Thanks very much
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Hi Martin

Which content did you purchase?

Also do you mean the a red X appears when you load the content into your CTA4 viewport?

If so, red X's are normally placeholders for the prop. Try right clicking the red X and check the available options. Normally there is an option to start an animation or play an effect.

If this does not help, please post a screenshot showing what is happening onscreen.
By freaky_14 - 2 Years Ago
Hi Peter,
it's about the content downloader.
I bought Content Pck and want to download it,
The download runs normally until the end.
Then the window comes up and remains empty, see pictures.


I cannot find the Content Downloader on my system.
That's why I can't reinstall it.

By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Thanks for explaining more about the problem.

You will see when installation completes there is an option to save the log. Do try saving this and then open it to see if any errors are present. It will also give the path to where the content was installed if successful. You can then check this location in CTA4 to see if the content is there.

Regarding the Content Downloader, this is obviously installed and working as your screenshots show the Content Downloader open. If you think you may be using an outdated version of the downloader, you can download the latest version using the link below. You don't need to uninstall the current version. If the downloaded version is newer it will simply overwrite the existing version.
By freaky_14 - 2 Years Ago
Hi Peter,

I thought I didn't need the log file
I have of course already done so.
Unfortunately not.
Here the picture.
I thought about that to find the path.
Don't do it for the first time either.
How can I uninstall the content downloader?
It is not available in the Windows apps.
Another cannot be installed because one is already installed.


By freaky_14 - 2 Years Ago
I also reinstalled CTA4, doesn't help either.

The support has now also written that I should delete certain folders.
These folders do not exist on my system either.
Everything seems to work, but I can't install anything.

By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Hi Martin

Thanks for checking and keeping us updated.

If you have been in touch with Support then they should be able to test the content pack to see if there is a problem with it and advise you further. Please do keep in touch with them. 
By freaky_14 - 2 Years Ago
Hi peter,

if i know what happened i will let you know.
Have to wait for support to reply.

By freaky_14 - 2 Years Ago
ok it works now.
The folders that the support showed didn't exist and neither did the path.
I then found it.
The content downloader is in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Reallusion\Downloader.
Delete the Downloader folder here, then you can reinstall the Downloader.
It should be explained like this.
Support hasn't responded to this day.
