Visame 1:1 blend shapes of characters imported into Unity are different
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By system.license - 2 Years Ago
When I import a character set to Visame 1:1 in cc4 into Unity, the blendshapes do not carry over correctly.

It seems that the blendshape of the chin is not being taken over correctly. The rest of the face is fine.

Is there any way to fix this problem?

I am using a translator for this text.
By dan.goyette - 2 Years Ago
Unfortunately, this is kind of a tricky issue, depending on what's driving your lip-sync in Unity. There are a couple ways of dealing with this, but the simplest (if it works for you) is probably to use the FBX export option to export a special blend shape that moves the jaw. It's called "Mouth Open as Morph".

If you export with that enabled, your model in Unity will have a new blend shape named "Merge_Open_Mouth". You can set up your lip sync software to also adjust this blend shape.
It's not perfect. A generally better approach is if your lip-sync software in Unity supports bone rotations in addition to simple blend shape manipulation, in which case you should just be rotating the jaw.