Why does part of sound tack get lost in render?

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By rfbindl - 2 Years Ago
I'm having issues with iClone8.22 losing sound part way through when rendered. There is a full track of music in the project sound track, and it plays all the way when previewed, but part of it is lost in the render... after several seconds of good audio.

This has happened with a few projects and seems to happen after I mix sounds Sometimes it happens when I add various sound to the project sound track or an object or character - separated by frames to avoid conflict - but sometimes it just won't render the full sound track afterwards. I restarted iClone, which has sometimes worked, but now I have a stubborn project where I just can't get the full track of sound... just the 1st 15 seconds or so.
By rfbindl - 2 Years Ago
I may have found the answer to lost audio in render. The project was at 60fps but I had changed to 30fps. I changed back to 60fps and now this last one works.

Somehow new or old projects were coming up at 60fps. It could have been me or the default? I'll check into that.
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
The project default is 60 FPS, but you can now change that to another value. I have not tried changing that with an existing project.