Sweaty Skin Not Transferring to iClone

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By COLINMAC2 - 2 Years Ago
I made a bodybuilder, so I tried making them oily for a stage presentation. But the sweat doesn't seem to transfer to Iclone, or at any rate, it doesn't make them shiny and oily like they should be. Is there a fix for this?
By Kelleytoons - 2 Years Ago
The "shininess" comes from the glossy "roughness" channel, so did you create a map for that?  As long as you have the right maps you can create shiny, "wet" skin.
By Kelleytoons - 2 Years Ago
Here's just a before and after wet "map" I did in five seconds:


By COLINMAC2 - 2 Years Ago
Interesting! Is there a tutorial or place in the online manual where it shows me how to create a roughness channel?
By Kelleytoons - 2 Years Ago
I'm not sure where a tutorial would be on the process, but in essence anywhere something is pure white it becomes "shiny" and pure black is dull or completely unrough/shiny, and every shade in-between represents various aspects.

In the example I posted I just used a Daz wet map applied to a CC character - there are all kinds of such maps available for sale on the Daz site and I suspect there are similar such maps available somewhere on RL's marketplace.  I suppose if you were talented you could paint such a map (using a 3D paint program like 3D Coat) but that's way above my skill level.

If you want to see how to use the Daz maps I can do a tutorial on that process - otherwise you might look online to see if someone has any kind of tutorial (for ANY kind of 3D program) to create such wet maps, and then just apply what is shown there to iClone.
By COLINMAC2 - 2 Years Ago
Thanks, you’ve been very helpful. This gives me something to work on.
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (4/22/2023)
I'm not sure where a tutorial would be on the process, but in essence anywhere something is pure white it becomes "shiny" and pure black is dull or completely unrough/shiny, and every shade in-between represents various aspects.

I'm hesitant to contradict, but for Roughness white is no shininess and black is full shininess. It will even simulate reflection up to a point. It is the opposite of Specular in the Traditional shader.

A Roughness map is simply a a square texture (image) that you can create in any graphics editor. Instead of an image you can also use a video to show changing of the sweating over time. Just some ideas. 

By Kelleytoons - 2 Years Ago
Never hesitate, Job - I'm old <g>.

I haven't drawn a map like that myself for so long I forget which direction is which (same for metal although I'd be pretty sure more white is more metal... but I never am *quite* sure :>).
By COLINMAC2 - 2 Years Ago
Again, thank you for all your help. I confess, this is all a bit more "under the hood' than I was hoping for, but it's something to work on in the future.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
COLINMAC2 (4/22/2023)
I made a bodybuilder, so I tried making them oily for a stage presentation. But the sweat doesn't seem to transfer to Iclone, or at any rate, it doesn't make them shiny and oily like they should be. Is there a fix for this?

Do also make sure that your graphic preferences are set the same in CC4 and iClone 8. If you have different settings you may not see effects from CC4 in iClone 8. Just try opening Preferences (CTRL+P) and set both CC4 and iClone 8 to HIGH in the Real-time Render Options, and set the Max Texture Size to say 4096 x 4096 in both. Note: You may need to lower the settings if performance is badly affected).