By COLINMAC2 - 2 Years Ago
This is dumb, but while I can find the online manual for CC, I can't seem to find the manual for iClone. Since I'm just starting out with iClone, this would come in really handy.
By thebiz.movies - 2 Years Ago
Its not dumb. Its actually a great just starting out question. Go to, select the product (Iclone) and check out the Learn dropdown.
By COLINMAC2 - 2 Years Ago
Hey, thanks!!
I've been told so many times that I just need to "read the manual" and that I'm spamming the forum with stupid questions, it's refreshing to get a pleasant response.
By toystorylab - 2 Years Ago
Press F1 in IC or CC to automatically open online manual...
By COLINMAC2 - 2 Years Ago
Thank you, even more helpful.