How to import PopcornFX into Unreal Engine
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By - 2 Years Ago
hello i have buy iclone and PopcornFX, but i don't find how send efect in unreal engine...

someone have a tips or the step i must do for that ?

Thx alote
By yepkoo - 2 Years Ago
PopcornFX not transferring to UE.
None of the Reallusion VFX effects are transferred to the UE due to incompatibility.
By - 2 Years Ago
Crap juste wast 800$...
By yepkoo - 2 Years Ago
If you purchased the programs just for this, you can return them by writing to support before 14 days are up.
You will not have any problems in the return process.

But iClone's purpose is much more than that.
You can create awesome animations and export them to UE.
Accordingly, you can return only the PopcornFX plugin or both programs.

UE already has niagara and vfx system and using them great effects can be created.
By - 2 Years Ago
I have look over internet and fond that

They have a plug-in for Unreal Engine.

I need to try it before Ask for a refund
By yepkoo - 2 Years Ago
Of course you can test it.
The plugin here is different from the plugin that you have to purchase from the developer's site with a subscription.
You cannot export effects that you will create with the plugin you purchased here. It already writes a note at the bottom of the purchase page.

*Please note that this content includes non exportable content which can only be used within Reallusion applications.
See Content Specifications.