By NaturalGlitch - 2 Years Ago
I was messing with some of the face animations that come with CTA5 and wanted to keep a character's 360 head in place and was curious what would happen if I deleted the contents of the facial clip tab, thinking it would eliminate the whole animation. It turns out all that did was stop the character's head from turning around, as it did most of the mouth and eye animations anyway. That's when I noticed the Face Motion tab. I checked every box from the drop-down menu, and it showed that nothing had changed in the timeline, but when I deleted the motion from that tab, the character stopped doing the facial animations altogether.
I checked the Help on the software, did an Internet search, and even tried to YouTube it. Still, all the information I gathered kept referring to facial mocap, puppeteering, or some combination of both, but there was next to nothing on the Face Motion tab.
So—is there a way to edit the Face Motion animations? Or, at the very least, see it?
By Steven(RL) - 2 Years Ago
Hi, You could go to the sample facial clip tab by right-clicking clip tab and then adjust each frame, but it's really a bit complicated. Steven Wu