Character Creator 4.2 Arrived - Where to Find New Wrinkle Assets (Free Embedded Content)
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By Fionn (RL) - 2 Years Ago

Free Assets for Animated Characters real-time blended dynamic wrinkles react to any facial expression and retain high-res detail even on lightweight 4K polygon characters. The General wrinkle system is a live solution that can be seamlessly applied to any CC3+ character.Meanwhile, the Individual wrinkle system is designed to optimize flattened textures for specific characters, particularly those created from 3D scans or sculpted in ZBrush 


General & Individual Systems Explore our wrinkle systems with our examples of "Neutral" and "Camila" in the General system, or check out "Kevin" and "Susan" as examples of the Individual system. Either way, getting to know these two systems can help you choose the right one for your next project.


Subtle Facial Nuances Discover the power of dynamic wrinkles and look-at constraints with "Susan." Our demo project showcases the incredible subtlety of talking animations created with iClone and Character Creator.

Mesh-to-CC technology As a fully-functional 3D character, Susan is perfect for facial mocap, puppetry, lip sync, and body animation. We licensed Susan's original scan model from TexturingXYZ and projected it onto a CC3+ character using Reallusion's revolutionary Mesh-to-CC Technology, resulting in a stunningly realistic virtual character.

>> Know More : CC4.2 Product AnnouncementWrinkle Essentials (content pack)|  All Free Resource

Where to Find New Wrinkle Assets 
You can find new wrinkle assets in Character Creator 4.2 through the following paths:

1. ‘Expression Wrinkles’ files are available under Content Manager > Item > Actor > Expression Wrinkles section.

2. ‘Wrinkle Enhancement’ files are available under Content Manager > Item > Actor > > Facial Profile > Wrinkles Enhancement section.

3. ‘Expression Wrinkles’ files are also available under Content Manager > Item > Animation > Expression> Expression Wrinkles section. There are three folders inside: Regional Influence, Sample Animation, Wrinkle Creation.

Regional Influence folder: 14 wrinkle patterns are available.

Sample Animation folder: 3 wrinkle animations are available.

Wrinkle Creation folder: 4 wrinkle sets are available.

4. Embedded character files, including ‘CC4 Kevin’, ‘CC4 Camila’, and ‘CC4 Sausan’ are available under Content Manager > Item > Actor > Character section.

5. These three embedded characters have ‘clothed’ versions as well. They are available under Content Manager > Item > Actor > Character > Clothed section.

6. The CC Project of these embedded characters with wrinkle profiles are available under Content Manager > Item > Project > CC Project section.

7. If you purchase the ‘Wrinkle Essentials’ pack, you can find it at the ‘Pack’ tab next to the 'Item'.

>> Know More : CC4.2 Product Announcement | Wrinkle Essentials (content pack) |  All Free Resource

By mrtobycook - 2 Years Ago
This is great! :)

Can you explain what you mean by “mesh-to-cc technology”?

Is that a feature of Character Creator 4.2?

Ie. “…projected it onto a CC3+ character using Reallusion's revolutionary Mesh-to-CC Technology”
By argus1000 - 2 Years Ago
I love the new features, wrinkles and an extended look at function. Reallusion is like a precious watch who keeps on ticking’…
By mrtobycook - 2 Years Ago
Agreed, argus! I can't believe the sheer amount of work that must have gone into the Wrinkle feature. It's so so complicated. I'm sure there will be small issues etc, but I'm hoping the team get a big WELL DONE from the bosses today. :-)
By yorgon - 2 Years Ago
it looks great. Congratulations to the Reallusion team.
can we auto edit assets purchased from texturing xyz in cc4 ?
Mesh-to-CC technology automatically turns these textures into human faces. Is this technology available in cc4.2 version ?
By rosuckmedia - 2 Years Ago
Great work. thank you very much (RL)
Greetings Robert
By wires - 2 Years Ago
Absolutely feature packed update. Thanks to the whole RL Dev team. :):cool::smooooth: 
By meletis3d - 2 Years Ago
I've updated the software but my Expression Wrinkles folder is empty, Do I need to do something else? I don't have the new Characters with wrinkles applied either. :(
By toystorylab - 2 Years Ago
meletis3d (2/24/2023)
I've updated the software but my Expression Wrinkles folder is empty, Do I need to do something else? I don't have the new Characters with wrinkles applied either. :(

An update did not work on my side either... I re-installed and all works fine.
All your content will remain, it just will take the time for download and install, on my side about 10 minutes.
And you will have to update your characters and projects folders from free resource...
By meletis3d - 2 Years Ago
Unfortunately that didn't work either 😢😢
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
meletis3d (2/24/2023)
I've updated the software but my Expression Wrinkles folder is empty, Do I need to do something else? I don't have the new Characters with wrinkles applied either. :(

You need to install/update all the free resources to get the new content. So in Content Manager switch to Pack > Free Resources and make sure all the resource packs are either installed or updated.
By toystorylab - 2 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (2/24/2023)
[quote]meletis3d (2/24/2023)

You need to install/update all the free resources to get the new content. So in Content Manager switch to Pack > Free Resources and make sure all the resource packs are either installed or updated.

I had to reinstall CC4, as wrinkles were not there and no updates for Free Resources were shown/available...
Maybe this happens when you don't have CC4 on C-Drive?
Anyway, everything works fine now...
By 0oseven - 2 Years Ago
wires (2/24/2023)
Absolutely feature packed update. Thanks to the whole RL Dev team. :):cool::smooooth: 

Agreed  - 
But wait -there's more :)
According to the update release notes we now have profiles for importing Daz Victoria/Michael 4  figures and content. This is big for  me as I have a heap of product languishing in my daz content library otherwise never to be used as absolutely hate daz studio to work with.
Big thanks reallusion !
By jacobnvm - 2 Years Ago
Anyone else not seeing the 4.2 update available in the hub? Am I missing something?
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
I had that too. After closing and restarting the Hub the updates appeared. 
By jacobnvm - 2 Years Ago
animagic (2/25/2023)
I had that too. After closing and restarting the Hub the updates appeared. 

Thank you, that did it :)

By Zeronimo - 2 Years Ago
did you look in the left column under Categories --> Updates

ahhh overtaken by Animagic ... 😂😂😂

By toppro77 - 2 Years Ago
These wrinkle items do not show up in my content manager and I have CC4. I see no update and there is no way to get CC4.2. My version still says CC4.12. Is this a hoax when it says new update in my email? It talks likes it's free to anyone who has CC4 but maybe you have to buy the wrinkle system and they aren't telling us that in the email. I have looked at the hub and there is no update available to me either. I have closed and reopened the hub and still no update.
By 0oseven - 2 Years Ago
A few days ago I update my software via hub . All good - wrinkles showing upa s expected.

TODAy I start up ic8 and cc4 - NO wrinkles !! Content Icons do not have the wrinkle symbol.
I checked via hub to confirm my products were updated to latest. They are.
I went to free resource pack and tried an update from there - result - Nothing to update.
Any suggestions as to what happened  between closing down and launching programs today ?
One more question - the old lady seen in demo videos is she anextra character that comes with the update ?

By Polaraul - 2 Years Ago
Despite doing everything mentioned in this thread, short of a full reinstall.
By yorgon - 2 Years Ago
Mesh-to-CC technologywhat is this technology. it is mentioned in the post above. Does version 4.2 have this technology?
By 0oseven - 2 Years Ago
I think I have the answer.
An update to the pack needs to be downloaded.
Go to free Resource/ characters / and left click on the icon. A panel opens advising the pack has been modified and you need to update.

By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
toppro77 (2/25/2023)
These wrinkle items do not show up in my content manager and I have CC4. I see no update and there is no way to get CC4.2. My version still says CC4.12. Is this a hoax when it says new update in my email? It talks likes it's free to anyone who has CC4 but maybe you have to buy the wrinkle system and they aren't telling us that in the email. I have looked at the hub and there is no update available to me either. I have closed and reopened the hub and still no update.

You have to get the 4.2 update in the Reallusion Hub. So try logging out of your account in the Hub, restart your computer, and then log back into the Hub. Then choose Updates on the left hand side panel.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
0oseven (2/27/2023)
I think I have the answer.
An update to the pack needs to be downloaded.
Go to free Resource/ characters / and left click on the icon. A panel opens advising the pack has been modified and you need to update.

Yes as I explained earlier in this thread. :Whistling:
By Polaraul - 2 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (2/27/2023)
0oseven (2/27/2023)
I think I have the answer.
An update to the pack needs to be downloaded.
Go to free Resource/ characters / and left click on the icon. A panel opens advising the pack has been modified and you need to update.

Yes as I explained earlier in this thread. :Whistling:

But what if I have done this and the wrinkle system still does not show as per my earlier post in this thread?
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Polaraul (2/28/2023)

But what if I have done this and the wrinkle system still does not show as per my earlier post in this thread?

If you have followed all the advice given and the problem remains then sadly it is time to contact Technical Support (using the link below). They will be able to advise you further.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
yorgon (2/26/2023)
Mesh-to-CC technologywhat is this technology. it is mentioned in the post above. Does version 4.2 have this technology?

"Mesh to CC Technology" will be built into Headshot 2.0 (working title) as a paid upgrade. Mesh to CC Technology converts any human-like head mesh into a CC3+ character (much like Mesh to MetaHuman). This new tool is expected to launch in Q2/Q3 2023, and will be available to anyone who already owns CC4.
By yorgon - 2 Years Ago
Peter, I'd like to ask you something about this. Is this technology going to turn head scans into automatic cc characters?
For example. 
Will it automatically convert a head scan on its site into a CC character? If so, that's great news. 
By markcheng247 - 2 Years Ago
"Mesh to CC Technology" will be built into Headshot 2.0 (working title) as a paid upgrade. Mesh to CC Technology converts any human-like head mesh into a CC3+ character (much like Mesh to MetaHuman). This new tool is expected to launch in Q2/Q3 2023, and will be available to anyone who already owns CC4.

i was having some issues with my model's face that was created with Headshot (skin colors not matching). does your quote above about Headshot 2.0 suggest that my issue is a known one? basically my experience is that whenever the wrinkles are used, the skin color will pale in that area..

UPDATE: my issue went away after I activated the edit skin panel and then just hit apply again without making changes... 
By Polaraul - 2 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (2/28/2023)
Polaraul (2/28/2023)

But what if I have done this and the wrinkle system still does not show as per my earlier post in this thread?

If you have followed all the advice given and the problem remains then sadly it is time to contact Technical Support (using the link below). They will be able to advise you further.

Thank you for the feedback and the help. It would have been interesting to see how this works, but it is not too much of an issue, These days I pretty much use Stable Diffusion to create my images anyway.
By mrimagee - 2 Years Ago
Tell me how to solve the problem of Expression Wrinkles? I tried reinstalling everything, did Log out and so on anyway there is nothing in the Expression Wrinkles folder
By joao.henriques - 2 Years Ago
Cannot see any wrinkles.. have all updates... 
it as mentioned to go to free resources but in that folder this mess shows up: