resizable list for skinweights
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By gekido - 2 Years Ago
The fact that you have an entire side panel dedicated to 'skin weights' when you need to edit them (a very common task) and yet restrict the number of bones that are visible in the list to barely 5 is so incredibly frustrating.
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago so incredibly frustrating.

Needs to be submitted to FT though...

Meantime, a workaround for now is to open a Bone Manager (F3) and select bones there.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Hi gekido

Thank you for the feedback.  As 4u2ges already mentioned, if you wish to get wishful features considered, please remember to post in the Feedback Tracker. The tracker is monitored directly by the relevant product teams. In addition, it allows other users to support your request with the most requested suggestions normally getting higher priority. 

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