By james1981 - 2 Years Ago
Hey, Does anyone know if it's possible to update a character that you've already sent from CC4 to iClone? The scenario I'm in is that I've made a character in CC4, sent that to iClone 8 and started animating. I know realize I need to change the character in various ways so would love to make the changes in CC4 then send the updates back to iClone whilst retaining the animation work I've already done.
Any help would be great, thanks.
By Zeronimo - 2 Years Ago
in iClone8 select your character and in the modify panel --> "Edit in Character creator"

in CC4 modify your character and when it's done go to the "menu" --> File --> Export --> Send to Iclone --> Send to Iclone

it's done
By Rampa - 2 Years Ago
I think you mean just sending an updated character from CC4 to iClone. If your character is selected in iClone when you send the update from CC, it will update the character while maintaining the animation. No need to send the character both ways. :)
Same is true if you replace the character from the Content Manager.
By james1981 - 2 Years Ago
Hi, Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately this doesn't quite do the job. Whilst this process does get the character back to CC & then back to iClone, the process of bringing the character back to iClone destroys any live keyframes you've set in the timeline. The animation is still there but it's like all the animation gets baked down which is not ideal as you then lose the ability to continue working and editing the animation.
By CtrlZ - 2 Years Ago
Rampa (1/24/2023) I think you mean just sending an updated character from CC4 to iClone. If your character is selected in iClone when you send the update from CC, it will update the character while maintaining the animation. No need to send the character both ways. :)
Same is true if you replace the character from the Content Manager. Usually there is a pop up that comes up press no and CC character will come in without changing the motion to the CC motion (pose)
By james1981 - 2 Years Ago
"Usually there is a pop up that comes up press no and CC character will come in without changing the motion to the CC motion (pose)"
It does indeed show this popup, however the issue in doing this, is that it bakes any keyframes you've created down. So whilst the motion is retained you no longer have any keyframes.
By CtrlZ - 2 Years Ago
Just resample the frames lol or { . . . } set key's before and after parts you want to keep, block them out and work in the middle.
By ben_385251 - Last Year
FYI very late here it also destroys any viseme or acculips data. Pretty outrageous there is not a simplified streamlined way to simply update a character without totally destroying hours of animation considering these are two programs supposed to be used in tandem. I've lost hours of work.
By tom_453281 - Last Year
I have the same issue and was looking at having to redo days of animation work just to update a small change in my character.
However, I ended up bringing in an updated copy of the character and then manually cut & pasted the animation tracks across from the old character to the new one.
Just make sure you delete any existing animations in each track of the new character first, otherwise iClone crashes. iClone doesn't seem to like over-pasting as I guess it attempts to blend them? And of course make sure the play head is at the start of the timeline!
Not being able to dynamically update characters does seem like a bit of a flaw given this is a pretty typical studio workflow with modelling and animation work happening in parallel.
By jim_612876 - Last Year
As far as i can see it doesnt really work. Its amazing that i can tweak my work in iclone and it is updated in real time in Unreal Engine - but you can't update a model in CC8 and have it update in Iclone without having to import and export in which case it overwrites work.