Tags visible in iC8 but not in CC4
Character Creator 4
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By us_g_bw
2 Years Ago
Hi forum members,
I have done a lot of tagging works for my Reallusion content in iC8. The content panel as well as each single character/asset show these tags in iC8.
But now I noticed that all these tags are
shown in CC4 (no tags at all).
I use a shared folder for iC8 and CC4 content, in my case C:\21 iC8 & CC4 ReallusionContent.
What is going wrong with my content tagging?
Tanks for a useful hint, Ulrich (Germany)
Tags in iC8:
No tags in CC4:
By animagic
2 Years Ago
As far as I know, the tags are applied to a specific file and certain file types for iClone and for CC are different, in particular those for projects and characters.
So you have tagged
Talking Kevin
, which is different from
Talking Kevin.
I haven't done much tagging myself and yours is an interesting use case. Maybe RL could implement an option to apply tags form one file to another. (I don't believe there is an option like that at the moment.)
By us_g_bw
2 Years Ago
Hi animagic,
thanks for your answer. The screeshots with the images are examples only. The maint point is on the left side - many tags in iC8 and none at all taken over to CC4.
I have tagged almost all of my stuff in iC8 (not only iprojects) - several hundred characters, iprops, motions etc.
None of these objects has visible tags in CC4.
As far as I understand the announcements, helpfiles and tuts, iC8 and CC4 (in contrast to iC7 & CC3) should be based on the same asset data bases in the same folders.
Any hints, RL?
Greetings from Germany, Ulrich
By Edward (RL)
2 Years Ago
Currently, the IC8 and CC4 tag information is independent and stored in different places.
In future updates, we will consider the tag sync or support tag import/export for different programs.
By us_g_bw
2 Years Ago
Hi Edward,
thank you for your answer. Now at least I know that this problem is not with myself.
I hope for an update soon, because this inadequacy should affect many users.
Best regards
By Edward (RL)
2 Years Ago
Sure, actually the tag system is not complete, and we will keep enhancing it.
Let us know if you have any ideas. :)