By feelingood - 2 Years Ago
It may be good try from RL, but I find it totaly user unfriendly in CA5. In CA4 the items were well organized and easy to find. If you type the same description in CA5 in Smart Content Manager, it's not foud. If you try to copy existing items from CA4 template to CA5, it get copied to "custom template". There are many other instances, where its difficult to find item you are after using the official RL description. I think that RL should go back to the drawing board ant think from the animators POV than from the programmers POV.
By Macdonut - 2 Years Ago
I agree. It would be nice to have the choice between Smart Manager and the older Content Manager. Likewise, the update to the Reallusion Hub is not great. Both items are like subliminally saying, "buy me, buy me", for software, addons, and such. Irritating in the extreme.