Edit Mesh Freehand selection?

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By mark - 3 Years Ago
Unless I'm missing something...the ability to "freehand-select" points in the Edit Mesh / Sculpt mode. As it is, I have to select one-by-one or drag a rectangle over the points to select for adjusting...or maybe there is a better way?
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
I believe Ctrl+Left Mouse click deselects a point or face.
By 4u2ges - 3 Years Ago
Yeah, I WISH we had Brush type selector with adjustable radius.
By sonic7 - 3 Years Ago

Plus, if you highlight a vertex point that's sort of in the middle of the mesh that you're wanting to eventually select, and use the "Grow Selection" tab to increase the number of points to quickly get you 'sort of close', you can then continue from there selecting individual points to get the rest exact. I just tried it now and discovered (as animagic suggested), you can just continuously hold down the CTRL key and every little 'rectangle-drag-over' of an individual point (or points) you do, will toggle its state (unselected become selected, selected become unselected), with each drag-pass. This 'combo' of Grow-Selection followed by CTRL-Select may be a go .....

lol .... and I just discovered you can even have 2 or more of these combos happening at the same time. Just add-in a second isolated point (or points) (while CTRL is still kept on), and both regions can now be 'grown' or have points added (rectangle selected) as you proceed - LOL.
By 4u2ges - 3 Years Ago

... and then there is Ctrl+Shift to completely deselect with rectangular region... :Whistling:
But honestly folks, we should not be touching keyboard for such a simple operation as to select/deselect the mesh.
RL does not utilize the convenience of the mouse use. I wrote a whole lot about it and could have added more: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Main-reason-I-dislike-working-in-CC-edit-modes
I bet 100% would agree.. but not RL I guess :ermm:
(I am in a rant mood today... will write something else later...)

By sonic7 - 3 Years Ago

4U2ges  "..... we should not be touching keyboard for such a simple operation as to select/deselect the mesh ...." 
I couldn't agree more Gurgen, the mouse function is crippled in many ways. It's one of many weirdly protracted approaches along with my personal bug bear of the "sparse" layout of IC sliders. I find myself scrolling endlessly up and down the unnecessarily long list of settings. It could all be condensed into half the length if the sliders weren't 'light years' apart - lol. But I just live with it.