Particles and environmental effects, and NLE export
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By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
The new spring bones are a nice touch, too bad we don't have some kind of environmental affect such as wind that could interact with said spring bones.  I also wish we had a particle system in CTA.  I know it's possible, even Moho has particles.  And finally, I wish we could export a scene from CTA5 to an external NLE or 3D app, with the scene intact, much as the After Effects export works.  While we can export out each layer, manually, we still have to reconstruct the entire scene, including transforms in said editor.  Makes using an external app to make our clips better a giant ole PITA! Unless, of course, one is willing to continuously pay Adobe for the privilege of using their apps (which I am not)
By Famekrafts - 3 Years Ago
PopcornFX for CTA5
Iclone has a particle engine, why that cannot be used in CTA5? With springs added, particles could actually interact with springs to create some very cool effects.

I understand it is in 3D but particles can be created in 2 axes also.

Right now I have to rely on third-party particle engines or AE or Unreal engine to create particle effects for 2D animation.

What if in some way as mocaps from iclone can be integrated into CTA5, we can add particles as well from iclone?

By Da_Drood - 2 Years Ago
I second this. It would definitely be super useful and appreciated update. It would give the opportunity to stand out among the best animation softwares in the market.
Anybody knows if there is any workaround to create movement of hair and clothes as if moved by the wind at the moment?
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Da_Drood (10/16/2023)
I second this. It would definitely be super useful and appreciated update. It would give the opportunity to stand out among the best animation softwares in the market.
Anybody knows if there is any workaround to create movement of hair and clothes as if moved by the wind at the moment?

Spring Dynamics can recreate hair or clothing as if moving in the wind or through movement. Please see the page below for examples.
By Da_Drood - 2 Years Ago
My bad for not explaining myself correctly, i meant those elements moving but with a still character, as if moved by the wind, instead of reacting to the movement of the character.