By General Picture Animation - 3 Years Ago
I successfully used an early online version of Voice.AI for an animation, isolating various snippets of Walt Disney's voice from background music. Now they are offering the beta of an impressive voice changer. I just got started with the software, so I have only tested the politician (GW Bush) and Popstar voices but apparently a subscription will get you access to many, many more choices.
VOICE.AI voice changing software
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Does the subscription offer more than 15 seconds of voice (this is a pretty serious limitation)?
Also - I'd be more impressed with ANY of this if any examples were provided. Perhaps they exist somewhere than other on that link.
By Rampa - 3 Years Ago
Another one to watch. Not released yet, but soon.
These type of changers seem promising because they use your own inflection.
By General Picture Animation - 3 Years Ago
Well I didn't want to post excess detail, but since you asked, let me clarify what I meant by "impressive." Fact: the beta comes with only 2 voices; I thought it did a great job of changing a short snippet of my voice to those, so I was impressed by that. The precise details of interacting with their service is, however, still mysterious to me. (I must admit that my experiences with this forum suggest that I am not the quick study that some of you are.) Somehow you can purchase credits for the online voices, but it's not clear how. However -- and this is very interesting and very modern -- you can also earn credits for allowing the service to temporarily crunch data on your PC--the session I did didn't take long.
By General Picture Animation - 3 Years Ago
Yes. I got into trouble a while back for criticizing a fine gentleman in this forum for suggesting AI voices are the future. The intelligent inflection is precisely the kind of thing I didn't think AI would handle. So I agree that this strategy combines the best of both worlds.
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
AI voices - voices that are completely computer generated - are NOT the wave of the future. They will NEVER replace human actors.
Software that changes the timbre/tone of a human voice has been around for as long as there has been recording devices. Indeed, NO professional or semi-professional production will use a raw voice "as is". So a "changer" is quite a different thing than something that is totally AI.
But as for that first site - I would stay FAR away from any site that even *slightly* takes over your machine for processing (note that there are disclaimers on that site that say your malware software may complain. For good reason - this is as close to any malware as I can imagine).
The second one, using Steam, is far more intriguing. However - Steam.
By 3dSphinx - 3 Years Ago
The steam one is very interesting I currently use VoiceMod and I know they are working on more normal voices. They even have an area you can make your "own" haven't tried it though.
By jeff.davies - 3 Years Ago
I was unimpressed with VoiceMod. I played with it for a few hours after I bought the annual subscription, but on closer examination. It was not what I was looking for. I need a range of "normal" human voices, male and female. I rarely need to sound like a demon.
Several months ago Corridor Crew did a review of an AI voice technology on youtube ( that looked pretty interesting. You could use voices like Morgan Freeman and it would use your inflections to make it sound like a real person. However, the pricing was prohibitive for me.
As for, I'm more aligned with Kelleytoons: Any site that is so focused on getting me to download the software and doesn't even provide a demo or pricing page is a red flag for me.
I will check out the Steam option though. I use Steam all the time to waste my life playing Civilization VI, lol.
By 3dSphinx - 3 Years Ago
Yea, I haven't used in awhile until I saw the new AI Voices they doing I think right now one male and female in beta.but they seem to be trying to target creatives and not just for game playing.
I have the lifetime license so I can keep checking back on what they have new.
By TopOneTone - 3 Years Ago
I thought looked really interesting, signed up and managed to upload a character voice after multiple attempts, but haven’t been able to use it because the site is an absolute mess currently. The whole focus seems to be to get you to download the software, once done there are no guides to usage, no menus or tabs to help. I stumbled across the “give us access to your pc” credits scheme and thought it was highly suspicious, especially how poorly developed the rest of the site is, so I didn’t go any further. While it may be a case of inexperienced geek developers getting ahead of themselves, I have to say I’m feeling uncomfortable about handing over my email address to them and thinking I should uninstall asap. I really hope it’s not as dodgy as it currently seems, because I could really make good use of this concept, but at present it looks to be way off being useable. I think “ai” is a fascinating field that is developing at a rapid rate, has huge benefits for independent creators and I have no doubt will eventually get to the point that it will be an acceptable and usable industry standard - I bet scenery designers never thought they would be replaced by cgi and maybe they just changed their tools of trade. Anyway, I am keen to learn more and tap in to any resources that can help me overcome the limitations of being an independent creator. Cheers, Tony
By Rampa - 3 Years Ago
VoiceAI is fine. I have been playing with it for a bit, and following along on their discord. But Nyvox sounds as good, IMHO. I would wait for Nyvox, and skip any subscription costs. Both are in beta, so expect oddness. If you cannot wait to try Nyvox, there is a Patreon option to get the beta early.
By Sophus - 3 Years Ago
I think that is currently a good way to create voices from text (not from audio). It runs locally on your computer or in Google Colab. You can train it with audio files if you want.
It works pretty well for presentation or narrator voices or podcast style voices. But it got "too good" at faking voices and the developer stopped at the current state to prevent misuse and will not release the training code. Ethically, that is entirely justified.
But it's showing what is possible. This will not take long and other alternatives will appear for free.
By charly Rama - 3 Years Ago
Yeah. For my concern, I find using really simple, I managed to do 30 s voice animation and more in few minutes without paying anything, I find the quality of the voice really good. And it works with any language. I've tried many others tools but was not satisfied. This one is really good for me Can't wait to try Nyvox
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
An intriguing one is xVASynth. I haven't used it myself but one thing it allows you to do is to imprint your voice intonation on one of the available voices. In addition, there is lot to tweak.
The voices are from games, so the quality varies.
Here is an introduction:
By 3dtester - 3 Years Ago
Thanks, great to see the A.I. has arrived at the voice changing topic. Definitely need to check this out soon.
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
MURF.AI Subscription-based. With free trial.
Nvidia Riva Studio This is still under development.
Early Access:
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Yeah, neither of these two are "voice changers" but the crappy AI sounding voices folks use (mostly because English is not their first language).
The ONLY place I see for these is for robot voices - they CLEARLY have no use as actors and prove my point about such things never replacing real people. But voice CHANGING software I do think has use. As I said, there's no voice I know of that hasn't had processing applied to it. Even the VERY early movie studios cleaned up the audio of their actors. So we shouldn't look to these changers as true AI (their AI lies in their ability to process voices in a very intelligent manner but really doesn't differ in both theory as well as practice with something like Melodyne, for example).
I'd use one of those changers myself if I had a chance - I guess I need to keep an eye out on that Steam one.
By charly Rama - 3 Years Ago
I've tested Murf but didn't like it. I'll stay with Without, I could never, never imagine getting this result (as non nativ English language as Mike said) and even in french, I love the result, No robotic effect on my humble view
By StyleMarshal - 3 Years Ago
Charly I hear you :D
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Yeah, and no offense meant here, but those are CLEARLY "robotic" voices and not suitable for anything other than, perhaps, a satire. No one would ever mistake any of those three examples for an actual human.
As I said, I think processing a HUMAN voice with AI may well have some very real applications when it comes to serious work, but AI voices will NEVER (do I have to repeat this?) replace a human actor.
By charly Rama - 3 Years Ago
Okay, I see and respect your opinion even if mine is really different. In anycase, my goal is not to get absolutely a REAL human voice , because this is the same thing for image, 3D will NEVER replace a real actor, there 'll always be a little uncanny valley (I don't have to repeat it :D) but I love to play with all these tools and I love these AI tools and people can like it or not. And all these imperfections will never stop us from having fun with eh Bassline :D And definitely we have a big difference on hearing robotic or real voice because I really hear a real Morgan freeman's voice (and Biden's voice) and I asked to different people, they recognized immediately the actor's voice without saying that's robotic (they immediately did on listeninig to TTS voices), May be should we listen to Rob the robot , heeeey Roooooob, come here :D:D:D
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
I think the difference, Charly, is, as I said, that these are fine for satire. Just like when an impressionist like Rich Little can do Richard Nixon or Cary Grant and everyone recognizes the voice, no one thinks it's actually those people. It's just an "impression".
So folks can recognize and hear Morgan Freeman's "impression" but if you asked them if it WAS Morgan they would say no - they would understand it was a robotic voice. No one would be fooled.
THAT'S why AI will never replace human actors - not an "uncanny valley" half as much as people just understand the difference. There's a good reason for this - we are taught from a VERY early age (around two days) to recognize faces, particularly mom's. And the process of seeing and hearing "humans" goes on for all our life. We can easily distinguish the difference - no matter how good the robotic voice might otherwise sound.
So for funny things (satire) using such a voice is fine - as long as you understand folks will know it's not the person. Where that line can (and will) get blurred is when AI processes a human voice. That same impersonator (Rich Little) can't be mistaken for a robot. You won't think it's Morgan Freeman, but you certainly will not think it's a robot. I think that kind of AI manipulation of real voices has some real potential in serious animation.
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
It's an interesting discussion, for sure. In another thread someone wants to replace humans completely...:unsure: I wouldn't go that far...:P
The one time I used real human voices, actually recording them all in the same studio to get acoustic consistency, some people didn't like it.
I can't use my own voice because of my accent (unless I need a Dutchman speaking English), so voice changers are of no use to me.
I have one long project underway (long in several senses of the word) and I use artificial voices for the moment, as the dialog is subject to change.
By Pollux - 3 Years Ago
Hi all, Of course, nothing will ever replace the voice of a human but I must admit that the ''machine'' voices are very interesting and useful in many cases. I needed to do a little scene in Catalan, of course my voice wouldn't have done and I don't have any Catalan people around so, I resorted to computer generated voices. Of course, it's not perfect, but the result is there, I was able to shoot the film at a lower cost.
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
MorphVOX Pro 5
Price: US$39.99 This is an old software upgraded in 2021 to version 5 with free trial version. I guess this is not yet AI-Powered though so produced quality may be lower but it looks like it's acceptable to most casual users. Using the Effects Rack plug-in, this can even make use of external VSTs for further sound customization. This crashed for me though upon testing... MorphVox Pro 5 also supports integration with selected games and apps. If this is good enough, maybe it would be nice if applicable Reallusion products have an integration with this just like what they have with the Replica Studios plugin. MorphVox Pro 5 is a low cost option for those needing basic voice changer feature. Being able to add our own Custom Voice Profiles is quite cool too! Future version says there will be a feature to save and share our voice profiles. With regards to morphing, it can save/output an audio file at 44100 Hz / 44.1 khz, 16bit, Stereo in WAV, Ogg Vorbis, WMA, & MP3 formats. The upcoming NyVOX, still with limited info, claims it can provide 32000 Hz / 32 khz audio experience but is AI-powered. Really interesting software so I am waiting for it. :-)
Key Features:- Many Free Voices -- Tweak each of these voices to your heart's content to produce even more voice combinations
- Many Free Sound Packs -- Turn MorphVOX into a soundboard with quick keys to send out farts and drum-rolls while still modding your voice
- Try Out the "Backgrounds" -- Add any background sound while you talk. Fool your friends: sound like you're in the middle of a traffic jam or shopping at the mall.
- Superb voice changing algorithms -- New Ultra-quiet background cancellation make it one of the cleanest-sounding voice changers available on the market
- Optimized for online games -- Sound like the character you play in-game whether you choose to be a grumpy dwarf or a mighty giant
New Features:- New intuitive interface - palettes and content organizer
- Live vocal visualization - Color Blast, Frequency Spectrum, Spectrogram
- Voice comparison analysis and tuning.
- State of the art noise reduction - digital and smart modes
- Pre and post graphic equalizer for finely sculpted audio
- Stereo microphone support
- Voice parsing detection
Standard Features:- Advanced voice-learning algorithms for best quality sound
- Full integration with online games and chat programs
- Low bandwidth and CPU usage for excellent performance
- A large library of free voice and sound effect packs
- Backgrounds - sound like you are somewhere else
- Add your own sounds effects and backgrounds
- Advanced vocal tract filters for unlimited tweaking
- After Effects: add environmental effects to your voice
- Quick Voices: switch your voice with a single keystroke
- Quick Effects: Play any effect with a single button
- Audio Alarms: announce the time or play a clip.
- Morph audio files or record your morphed voice to a file.
Tutorials of old version:
Emulate Smaug & Velkos voice:
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
Altered Studio
Subscription-based and more expensive but the output quality is frighteningly amazing! :Wow:
"Altered Studio is a next-generation audio editor that integrates multiple Voice AI technologies into a single user friendly application. It runs online as well as locally on Windows and Mac using local computing resources. Altered Studio provides exclusive access to our unique Speech-To-Speech, Performance-To-Performance Speech Synthesis technology that pushes the boundaries of what can be done with Voice."
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Yeah, I watched this show a while back but, honestly, either I wasn't all that impressed or perhaps the voice selection left a lot to be desired. I'm not sure which it was (maybe it was the cost and/or shortness of time you could use - I'll look again to make sure).
In any case, this isn't nearly as promising to me as NyVox (which seems to be stuck in a perennial "coming soon" loop :>)
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
In looking I think it was the price.
The lowest is $59 a month. A MONTH. AND you only get 8 pro voices (you get a lot of common voices but, honestly, I can do as good or better than those). So - eight voices for $700 a year is... ridiculous.
I can't imagine NyVox (a steam program) costing that much for the standalone version - IOW, spend a few hundred ONCE and have access to it forever. So - I don't think this is something that hobbyists like all of us here are ever going to use.
But it's a glimpse of where this is going. I'm fairly sure six months from now we'll all have a VOICE ALTERING (as opposed to VOICE AI) product in our toolbox.
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (11/23/2022) In looking I think it was the price.
The lowest is $59 a month. A MONTH. AND you only get 8 pro voices (you get a lot of common voices but, honestly, I can do as good or better than those). So - eight voices for $700 a year is... ridiculous.
I can't imagine NyVox (a steam program) costing that much for the standalone version - IOW, spend a few hundred ONCE and have access to it forever. So - I don't think this is something that hobbyists like all of us here are ever going to use.
But it's a glimpse of where this is going. I'm fairly sure six months from now we'll all have a VOICE ALTERING (as opposed to VOICE AI) product in our toolbox.
Yeah, I agree the price is too high for hobbyist / casual use. I'm interested in NyVox too and awaiting it's release in Steam. I hope it will be launched soon and before the next big voice AI tech surpasses them. The technolgy is just developing so fast. :D
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
iMyFone MagicMic
Here's another one. This is significantly much cheaper than Altered Studio but a little more expensive than MorphVox Pro 5. This software is newer, has a more modern User Interface, and frequently updated content. It has a free version, offers both a subscription-based and lifetime packages. Lifetime price is affordable especially now as they're having a Black Friday sale. :) While MorphVox Pro 5 voices sound a little wispy but fuller, MagicMic's generated voices seem to have a bit more echo in them. Maybe this can be adjusted in both software to sound better... I'm not sure as I haven't tinkered with them more. MagicMic has no plugin support though unlike MorphVox Pro 5. But they have a nice multilingual/translator Text-To-Speech (TTS) generator software called VoxBox which is a separate tool you have to buy. MorphVox Pro 5 is also available in Steam by the way. But sadly, it has gathered Mixed reviews there which I think it does not deserve... if it has the same build quality as the stand-alone demo version I've tried.
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
These voices all sound TERRIBLE - it just sounds like there are some filters being applied, which is nowhere near what an AI processed voice sounds like.
I can't see any use at all for this - even $20 seems WAY too much money for this crap.
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (11/24/2022) These voices all sound TERRIBLE - it just sounds like there are some filters being applied, which is nowhere near what an AI processed voice sounds like. I can't see any use at all for this - even $20 seems WAY too much money for this crap.
Yeah, I agree but to a certain extent based on my own basic hearing level. I have also checked two more other similar software and for me, they sounded worse and not worth sharing. Generated voices by MorphVox Pro 5 and MagicMic pales in comparison with those from Altered Studo and I guess it shows in their pricing differences. For indie devs and some hobbyists that have a small budget, maybe MorphoVox & MagicMic will do at the moment until there are better and more affordable alternatives. Available info online indicates these are all AI-powered. :D I hope NyVox will beat these software and can offer greater value. But time will tell, if they still have more of it... :P I'm sure there are more competitors coming and prices to be able to utilize these software should go down further in the future.
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Those choices you mentioned don't, in any way, sound AI powered. They just sound filtered - MorphVox for sure is only a filter and my experience tells me that so is that Magic crap.
AI powered is a completely different ballgame - and it requires processing power that a filter can't touch (which is why, as a general rule, it ain't real time - the exceptions use either a high end local GPU, or processing power in the cloud, which you end up paying $$$ for. I have no idea why NyVox is going to do in this regard but time will tell).
Look - a filter is pretty easy to tell. AI voice sounds as if it's not your voice at all, as if there is another person there without any such crap as echo, or fuzz, or any distortion. If you hear even a tiny bit of distortion it ain't AI.
By sonic7 - 3 Years Ago
I'd be happy with the "Altered Studio" quality (from the samples I've heard), - but then the price - ouch! It's a pitty they don't charge based on minutes of usage only - without the monthly clock ticking.
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (11/24/2022) Those choices you mentioned don't, in any way, sound AI powered. They just sound filtered - MorphVox for sure is only a filter and my experience tells me that so is that Magic crap.
AI powered is a completely different ballgame - and it requires processing power that a filter can't touch (which is why, as a general rule, it ain't real time - the exceptions use either a high end local GPU, or processing power in the cloud, which you end up paying $$$ for. I have no idea why NyVox is going to do in this regard but time will tell).
Look - a filter is pretty easy to tell. AI voice sounds as if it's not your voice at all, as if there is another person there without any such crap as echo, or fuzz, or any distortion. If you hear even a tiny bit of distortion it ain't AI.
Since there was no major difference from the Stand-alone version in (more expensive), I bought the Steam version with the Effects Rack plugin to test it further. Both just costed me about US$ 10. For that amount, it's worth the risk I think. To further clarify the technology used, I've reached out to the developer of MorphVox Pro 5. I asked whether the program was just using voice filtering and/or is actually AI-powered and if so, whether he utilized Machine Learning and/or Deep Learning... or something different. Will post an update here when and if I receive an answer. :D
Furthermore, it looks like I was able to make the Effects Rack plugin work for me. Since the plugin was old, I tried using only VST files and not VST3 64-bit and then corrected the effects' directory path and assigned it to look one folder deeper. That made it recognize the external VSTs I downloaded which I got for free from Blue Cat Audio here. With support of more plugins, maybe it is possible to clean up some of the distortions and obvious filters applied to a voice. If possible, I just hope it wont take a lot of time to do. hehe :crazy:
By AutoDidact - 3 Years Ago
I agree that morph Vox pro ,like most “filters”,is complete garbage. I used it in making “Galactus rising” ,years ago and it was a Nightmare.
AI assisted or even complete AI generated will be the way going forward.
I recently bought a one year subscription ($50) to ( text to speech)to voice my CTA video narrator host and I am very pleased with the results
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
AutoDidact (11/24/2022) I recently bought a one year subscription ($50) to ( text to speech)to voice my CTA video narrator host and I am very pleased with the results
I've also tried using the free version of in the past and the outputted quality is excellent even in my native language. I've played around importing the audio file generated from into MorphVox and the produced quality is acceptable for me especially for use of non-human characters. I haven't tried cleaning up the audio though. Maybe I have to play around with the software a bit to recognize more if it's weaknesses. So far, what I paid for it and what I got is ok. :)
EDIT: Oops, sorry for the confusion. I meant and NOT :pinch:
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Sigh - I wish folks in this thread would stop pushing AI GENERATED VOICES - this thread was all about using AI to alter existing voices.
Robotic voices (and, folks, that is what they are and what they sound like to native language speakers - they could no more replace actors than my Roomba could replace a maid) are fine for folks who can't speak English (or whatever the language they are generated are). But they AREN'T the tech that folks started talking here and it's about as silly to bring them up here as it would be for me to mention using video and filtering it so it looked like animation to replace rendering in iClone.
Let's try and keep this on track - we want something that takes a voice (a real, HUMAN voice) and alters it with AI processing so it sounds like someone else. I can promise you no matter what that dev says the Magic thingee does not do that, it's just a filter (and a bad one at that). And there are lots of things that generate AI voices that sound passable - but can't act. Again, it would be like me expecting to tell Roomba "Now please go make the bed."
By sonic7 - 3 Years Ago
rr Nicely summed up Auto. I feel that ultimately "technology" leaves no one safe, since the mighty $ will, (and always has), empowered the minority to leverage returns to their own advantage. Then there's a largish number of 'wanna-be's' trying to play the same game and become king pin. Competition is a two edged sword with many casualties, yet we all (mostly) play the same game to a larger or lesser extent I think. But the only asset that's truly yours (that no-one can take or supplant with tech and Mike will agree with this) is 'story'. Your very own unique story. Changes in technology, I think, just means different ways of presenting/displaying your story, so story will always survive over time. A bit off topic - but just my 2c
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
Wilby (11/24/2022)
AutoDidact (11/24/2022) I recently bought a one year subscription ($50) to ( text to speech)to voice my CTA video narrator host and I am very pleased with the resultsI've also tried using the free version of in the past and the outputted quality is excellent even in my native language. I've played around importing the audio file generated from into MorphVox and the produced quality is acceptable for me especially for use of non-human characters. I haven't tried cleaning up the audio though. Maybe I have to play around with the software a bit to recognize more if it's weaknesses. So far, what I paid for it and what I got is ok. :)
Oops, sorry for the confusion. I meant and NOT :pinch::crying::doze: I've tried using it's TTS feature to generate an audio voice file I used as source voice for some of the so-called "AI-powered" software to see how it would sound like. :P
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (11/24/2022) Sigh - I wish folks in this thread would stop pushing AI GENERATED VOICES - this thread was all about using AI to alter existing voices.
Robotic voices (and, folks, that is what they are and what they sound like to native language speakers - they could no more replace actors than my Roomba could replace a maid) are fine for folks who can't speak English (or whatever the language they are generated are). But they AREN'T the tech that folks started talking here and it's about as silly to bring them up here as it would be for me to mention using video and filtering it so it looked like animation to replace rendering in iClone.
Let's try and keep this on track - we want something that takes a voice (a real, HUMAN voice) and alters it with AI processing so it sounds like someone else. I can promise you no matter what that dev says the Magic thingee does not do that, it's just a filter (and a bad one at that). And there are lots of things that generate AI voices that sound passable - but can't act. Again, it would be like me expecting to tell Roomba "Now please go make the bed."
My apologies if I veered off-track. I thought the info I shared is still on topic and would be useful to some. But I agree it's not about " voice changer". eep... :ermm: I am not actually supposed to be looking at this thread and posting if not for the damned Black Friday Sale all over the Internet! :laugh: Searching for good deals on these software tools is maddening. :Whistling:
Anyhow, to the moderator's, kindly delete my unrelated posts. Thank you! :D
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
I wasn't trying to admonish you - just to try and keep the ideas separate.
Because these two kinds of software, the ones that generate voice from text, versus the ones that take voice and "change" it, are both very different and have different applications. That isn't to say there isn't overlap - clearly folks with no other alternatives (perhaps they don't speak the language they want, or can't find voice actors appropriate) will use the text to voice in the same manner as using an actual actor's voice that is modified, but the trend now for AI modification of real people is hitting hard and offers nearly all of us very viable alternatives for telling our stories.
And as someone else pointed out, it really is all about the story. I'd rather see an interesting story told by even a robotic artificially generated text to speech than I would a bad story done with professional actors. (There are plenty of those already on television :>). We all, as hobbyists here, try and do the best we can with the tools at our disposal. But I also think it's a huge mistake to SETTLE for artificial voices when there are TONS of people who can do voices AND who WANT to do them, even for free (I don't really know of any town, city or dwelling in the entire world where there aren't people who enjoy acting in any capacity - if you have trouble finding them I can help you, at least here in the United States. Hell, even in our adult retirement community we have not one but THREE different groups of folks desperate to act and perform. Getting them to do voices is easy and that's only about 800 people total, of whom at least 700 have no desire whatsoever. Those of you living anywhere else are missing out on the literally thousands of folks who want to act for you).
What is interesting to me is being able to alter the voices of ten or so folks here who have superb acting abilities - using AI to make their voices even more distinct would be a pretty amazing too. That was what this thread started out to be and let's hope that it continues to inspire others to post their own experiences with this. Perhaps those of you wanting text to voice could start your own thread.
By pedrosura - 3 Years Ago
I recorded the dialogue for this 11 min long episode. I have done all the voices, 12 total. Voice AI is amazingly easy to use. The limitation I see is that it will not follow the emotion in your voice exactly as delivered. However, this is an amazing technology. Really incredible. Here is a video with a sample of voices all made by the same person.
By cepheistudios - 3 Years Ago
Does anyone have any experience with Altered AI I've been thinking about turning my Wattpad novel into something like an audiobook, and I want to do all of the voicework myself. From what I hear, Altered AI is the best software on the market. It's incredibly expensive, but the voices sound really human. I just wanted to know if anyone here has tried it long term (several months). I'm still a little ways off from taking that plunge, but I want to do my research first.
By pedrosura - 3 Years Ago
Altered AI is very expensive. You should give Voice AI a try. It is relatively inexpensive. A you will get quick results. Some of the voices are quite astonishing
By Kazakovdg - 3 Years Ago
| I am not a native English speaker. So I didn't really understand what I would get for a monthly payment? Can I use the actors' voices (6+50) for a month or only 60 minutes? Can someone explain what I will get in the end?
By cepheistudios - 3 Years Ago
You get access to 6 professional voices and 50 common voices for $60 a month. You also get 60 minutes of speech-to-speech morphing: this is the voice changing. So you can record up to 60 minutes of speech (per month) and the software will morph it into one of the 56 voices available. I also believe you can simply morph your voice less radically (for example: just changing the pitch of your voice). While the quality of the 6 professional voices are great, the price is exorbitant EVEN IF you do the annual plan. Murf AI does something similar for much less money. But it really depends on what you're looking for. I am looking to record my voice and have it entirely altered so that it sounds like each of my characters, so that it sounds like I have voice actors. Most of the AI software creates robotic sounding voices. That's exactly what I DON'T want.
By Kazakovdg - 3 Years Ago
Thanks a lot for the answer. If it is not difficult for you, then for a better understanding, please explain more. Did I understand correctly? If I read the text by roles, and then I voice this file with the help of 56 actors, then I only have 60 minutes for this? Then the question arises, why do I need actors for a whole month if I can't use them? I just imagined a car dealership where you can rent a car for a month, but use it for only one hour. Don't understand that I'm some kind of stupid, but what does a monthly payment give, after 60 minutes used?
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
While I can't speak specifically to this product, in general the idea for any such limitation is that for most folks the time limit is plenty. It happens for a lot of products (mocap comes to mind) - you pay per month for a certain amount of time, and in this case 60 minutes for, say, an animation is a TON of time (most folks can't do serious animation of more than five minutes a month).
But I agree the price is too high for those of us not making money from our animations. Something like $20 per month sounds about right (assuming it's a good product). I paid $10 a month for NyVox and while the time is unlimited (again, you really don't need more than an hour a month) the quality isn't worth it.
By cepheistudios - 3 Years Ago
I think you've generally got the idea, but to put things into perspective: A full length feature film will run between 80 to 150 minutes (except for super long films like Avatar: The Way of Water, which runs 188 minutes). So you couldn't have more than 80 to 150 minutes of dialogue in that film - even if the actors talked every single second they were on screen (which never happens). The read time of my Wattpad novel is like 4 hours-ish, so I wouldn't need more than that in terms of recorded voice time. Even though I'm the author and I know how all of the roles should be read, every audio 'take' I do won't be perfect. I'm only going to record the 'perfect' take and the length of THAT take (and all of the other perfect takes) is what would be deducted from the 60 minutes per month. As a point of reference Murf AI offers 48 hours per year (which breaks down to 4 hours or 240 minutes per month) at $26 per month on the annual plan. I don't see myself using all 60 minutes in a single month even if I pre-recorded all of the parts beforehand. I work a full-time+ job, and I'd still have to edit the audio so the different roles all have different voice actors. Plus, I'm the narrator - so I'd use my own voice for all of the non-speaking parts. Hopefully that makes sense to you. If not, I'm happy to explain further. FYI: As far as I can tell this is the BEST thread on the internet that discusses multiple Voice Changing software programs. I couldn't even find a good post on Reddit - which is rare.
By Kazakovdg - 3 Years Ago
Thanks a lot for the answer. Now everything seems to be clear. Their technology is wonderful, but I want those who will compete with them to appear.
By mtakerkart - 3 Years Ago
Not very clear for me :blink: If I have 12 characters speaking for 5 min each (total = 60 min) could i upload 12 differents tracks of 5 min each with 12 differentes voices ?
By cepheistudios - 3 Years Ago
Yes. That would give you the 60 minutes. But, doing that much voicework in a month (unless you're allocating a lot of time to it) is extraordinary - which is something I touched on before (as Mike Kelley). Let me explain why: I did my own voicework for a 2 minute long Youtube piece. I wrote the script and you might be thinking it should be easy. It was ANYTHING but quick. It took thirty minutes. I would mis-pronounce words. I'd mess up the cadence. My mouth would get too dry in the middle of the take. The mic wasn't adjusted properly so it was too quiet. Lots of things happen even when you're in control of every element. And that was using my own voice without any alterations at all. Now imagine how much time it adds to change voices, pitch, tone, etc. Imagine you do a take and you think the AI voice great but, maybe it isn't as great as you thought after you hear a take. You'd be really hard pressed to use all 60 minutes in a month. It's definitely possible but read this:
By michaelrbarton - 3 Years Ago
Voicemaker has AI voices with voice effects, such as, whisper, shouting, happy, sad, angry, excited, terrified. You get 250,000 characters a month for $5. There are monthly and yearly plans. You can use the AI voices for personal and commercial use. Below are some YT videos I made using some of the voices. You can adjust the speed, pitch and volume of the voices and save them as an mp3 or wav file.
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Yeah, those are clearly robotic voices - so for folks who can't speak English (or get folks to do it for them) it's okay.
But no one would use those for serious animation efforts, which is why the AI ASSISTED voices are so appealing - they take human voices (which we can always distinguish) and just alter them. However, I've been less than impressed with any that are reasonably priced. I guess someday the prices will come down but I'm now a lot less hopeful after participating in the NyVox beta.
By cepheistudios - 3 Years Ago
Since we're all sharing experiences here, I wanted to add some of my findings so far. And this is a good way to educate some of the followers of this thread. This is a screenshot of what happens in Murf AI:
![]( What you see above is inside of the Voice Changer software. I recorded audio of 2 minutes and 7 seconds. It was NOT perfect. I fumbled a few times - but that's fine. This was for testing purposes only. I uploaded that audio file in MP3 to Murf and then I applied an AI Voice to it. The person's face you see is the Professional voice I chose as my voice over actor (Terrell). The software transcribes text-to-speech and then produces the words you see - complete with pauses. I can go in and edit as I see fit. I've already deleted some of the pauses. Terrell's voice sounds really good. A little robotic, but not too bad. I could probably live with it if I had to. But, there are issues. For one thing, the software seemed to clip some of my words off. It also would occasionally clip the ends of sentences. It also misunderstands certain words. And not all of the voice actors pronounce the words correctly. All of those issues have to be fixed manually by editing in this screen. And that takes a loooooooooooong time. Why? It isn't just the edits - I have to keep playing it back over and over until it sounds right. This is potentially, hours of work for a 2 minute clip. So THIS is what is involved in doing voice changing audio work. It isn't light work AT ALL. And keep in mind, this was a BAD take by me. I would never upload this to Wattpad or even to YouTube. I'd have to keep doing it over and over until I got it right and THEN I would do my editing. But, I'm just testing the software right now (for free) so I'm just trying to evaluate the quality of voice actors. But I just wanted to share the PROCESS with people so they have a better understanding of the work involved. Maybe after I edit it I'll post a clip with sound.
By Kelleytoons - 3 Years Ago
Well, since we're sharing...
I used the NyVox beta (or perhaps it's even the alpha - whatever it is, you can use it via Patreon for $10 a month). It has 200 voices (now) and some of them sound very good... for short sentences spoken slowly. That convinced me to try it further, butt for an animation project I was trying to finish for Christmas yesterday.
It destroyed my time table. Granted, I was doing a LOT of processing with it (four voices, each around a minute of dialog) but the problem was not speed (it operates in real time, more or less, as the avowed purpose is for folks to use in gaming and online events) but quality. As the previous poster said, this software also had problem with words, clipping some of them or just mispronouncing so you had no idea what the real word was (from an MP3 that was very well processed and done - the source was NOT the problem). After a few hours I realized it just wasn't even close to something I'd ever use in an animation (so I'm going to end my support of it - perhaps they will get it right, but I now have zero confidence in it).
I KNOW there is software that works right - Corridor Crew used some - but it's VERY $$$, and way out of the range of most of us. Plus if you want to create your own voices (which I think is the main purpose of it - I don't remember seeing voices offered, unless they were ALSO $$$) it takes a LOT of training time. AND it also takes a lot of processing power (again, to do it right - this won't be happening in real time. Which is okay for us animators).
Based on what I've seen and read I'm not sure we're even close to having something affordable for serious animation work for us hobbyists.
By AutoDidact - 3 Years Ago
cepheistudios (12/25/2022)
Yes. That would give you the 60 minutes. But, doing that much voicework in a month (unless you're allocating a lot of time to it) is extraordinary - which is something I touched on before (as Mike Kelley). Let me explain why: I did my own voicework for a 2 minute long Youtube piece. I wrote the script and you might be thinking it should be easy. It was ANYTHING but quick. It took thirty minutes. I would mis-pronounce words. I'd mess up the cadence. My mouth would get too dry in the middle of the take. The mic wasn't adjusted properly so it was too quiet. Lots of things happen even when you're in control of every element. And that was using my own voice without any alterations at all. Now imagine how much time it adds to change voices, pitch, tone, etc. Imagine you do a take and you think the AI voice great but, maybe it isn't as great as you thought after you hear a take. You'd be really hard pressed to use all 60 minutes in a month. It's definitely possible but read this:
I agree that even with a really good voice changer that doing a Feature length film ( 60+ minutes), with multiple characters, all by yourself ,is extremely labor intensive. in fact I do not recommend it and will never try such a task again after my 93 minute “Galactus” Rising” film that took six years to complete. for that film I used the horrible morph vox pro.and studied various foreign accents& dialects. At some point it becomes too much to keep track of.
By bob_441345 - 2 Years Ago
I am a brand new user of and wondered if anyone can walk me through how to use the software for my application. I want to create my own voices, and then load those into the system so I can access them. I've already uploaded one voice and got the email saying it was complete. I included over 2 hours of pre-recorded speech. It does show up in my Uploaded Voices section, but when I want to use the microphone to speak in that voice either live or recorded, I can't find a way to select the voice I created. I don't see any way to search for voices either. Are there any really detailed tutorials on setting up voices and using them in this way. I'm really only interested in using the recorded voice feature, not the live feature. Thank you! I hope someone can help me. I guess I'm too new here to start my own topic yet.
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
Bob, is not a Reallusion product. Did you try to get help from directly?