Hello from the Midwest!

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By ImHalfFull - 3 Years Ago
Hey all, 
I lurked the forum sometime ago when we bought Crazytalk for a project. I recently joined a couple of months ago when we were evaluating Character Creator, and had my first post. I feel like I'm in a catch 22 now with the newbie moderation rules, as I made two posts yesterday (apologies, one was a double post as I thought ti didn't go through until I saw the brief moderation note the second time around), but neither has been published. I tried to DM Phil to apologize for the accidental double post, but no DM's until I've hit the magic post number :) 

At any rate, I'm Andrew and I run a small educational game dev studio. We primarily work in Unity, but play with Unreal. We focus on games and experiences for learning, and have been working in AR and VR for a long time. Our hope with Character Creator is we establish a decent workflow for optimized characters we can use on the the Quest 2 and other similarly powered mobile VR headsets. 

By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
Hi Andrew... Welcome to the forum.

You are now free to post without approval. Unfortunately, due to the high levels of spam we receive (which is often disguised as normal posts), we have to have this approval system in place. We do apologise for the inconvenience it causes.