Unreal LiveLink not working as it should

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By stewartscott3 - 3 Years Ago
I am trying to start a new project in Unreal engine 5.0.3 whereby I can practice animation across the two platforms. I have followed all the instructions and managed to create a link between iClone 8 and My new level in Unreal. However when I choose to transfer a standard character (as a test) to Unreal I get the following message.

I have put the right folder in to the content folder of my project as you can see from the image below.

I did notice two conflicting statements 



So which is it - Will this not work in Unreal 5 or not? As it stands this is how my character looks in Unreal 5 which is ridiculous


By rosuckmedia - 3 Years Ago
Just a quick question, do you have the PLugins enabled.?
Greetings Robert