By charly Rama - 3 Years Ago
Hi , I find there is a big lack of new looking real clothes as made with drapper or marvelous designer on marketplace, I think that many people like me would buy this kind of clothes guys if you put this in marketplace. Now, I'm not sure it's possible but I'm dreaming of this. I saw many tutos but I wouldn't invest in MD and so (because of headaches :D). Com'on Basseline, you can do it, I'll be the first to buy it guys, promised
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
I believe Big Boss and Alley work with Marvelous Designer. They are now publishing under the brand "BBA". I find their new clothing looking quite good.
By charly Rama - 3 Years Ago
Thank you Animagic, I didn't see, I'm going to check it right now
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
Here is a link to their thread on the forum: