Reallusion Content EULA Update (Jul. 27th, 2022)
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By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago

Reallusion Content EULA Update (Jul. 27th, 2022)

Please be informed that we have updated our Content EULA regarding the Content License as follows:

All content sold on the Reallusion Marketplace, Content Store, and ActorCore are licensed and may be divided into three classifications: Standard License, Extended License and Enterprise License. Each of which contains different authorizations and restrictions. Users may decide which license to purchase according to their own needs. See the
EULA for details. Know More

By Sifr - 3 Years Ago
It's about time RL.  Now my clients can move forward with their projects, I sent a lot of my corporate clients your way this year & last year that have a lot of big name investment money behind them in hopes to force this issue, looks like it worked.  I've already sent a request/question to your Enterprise department concerning a use case that I originally ask here in the forum almost a year ago that still has yet to be answered, hopefully, your Enterprise department is much more prompt.

As I stated some years ago I'd make RL the go-to pipeline for XR content creation for what is now being called the metaverse.  You guys should just hire me at this point after all I've contributed to its growth since v.2.
By bgames - 3 Years Ago
Hi Peter, could you clarify the following passage:
Furthermore we would like to extend to you, the free upgrade period until Dec. 31st, 2022. All newly purchased items after July 27th, 2022, will be offered under the new Standard License fee. To apply for a free upgrade to Extended Licensing, kindly contact the Reallusion Support Team.

It seems like Reallusion is saying that through Dec 31, 2022 we can pay for the Standard License of a new product purchase and write to Support for a free complementary upgrade to the Extended License?
I just want to make sure I am interpreting that passage correctly and that it is not related to the previous passage which deals with the topic of giving Extended licenses to all products purchased prior to July 27, 2022 automatically and without further action from the customer (the previous passage for reference: To fulfill our commitment to the previous Content EULA, our Content Mass Distribution Rights certificate will remain valid. This means that all CC Components purchased before July 27th, 2022 will receive a free Extended License, found directly inside the owner’s product inventory.)
By Goatcheese - 3 Years Ago
bgames (7/28/2022)
Hi Peter, could you clarify the following passage:
Furthermore we would like to extend to you, the free upgrade period until Dec. 31st, 2022. All newly purchased items after July 27th, 2022, will be offered under the new Standard License fee. To apply for a free upgrade to Extended Licensing, kindly contact the Reallusion Support Team.

It seems like Reallusion is saying that through Dec 31, 2022 we can pay for the Standard License of a new product purchase and write to Support for a free complementary upgrade to the Extended License?
I just want to make sure I am interpreting that passage correctly and that it is not related to the previous passage which deals with the topic of giving Extended licenses to all products purchased prior to July 27, 2022 automatically and without further action from the customer (the previous passage for reference: To fulfill our commitment to the previous Content EULA, our Content Mass Distribution Rights certificate will remain valid. This means that all CC Components purchased before July 27th, 2022 will receive a free Extended License, found directly inside the owner’s product inventory.)

Didn't even see that! That would be awesome if it is indeed the case where a Standard License would be upgraded to an Extended until December. 
EDIT: If I may ask, where did you find that?
By virtualfilmer - 3 Years Ago
This is fantastic - I think Reallusion should be commended for trying so hard to listen to our feedback!
By virtualfilmer - 3 Years Ago
BTW the EULA is a very very difficult and legally complicated subject. It has huge business ramifications to some of us, so can be frustrating. But in this thread, we should all remember that Peter (RL) is just one moderator on this entire forum - and let’s try to be nice to him. :) I’ve found in the past that it’s REALLY easy to be frustrated about EULA questions and post long questions etc here - but it’s actually easier and faster to email Reallusion directly most of the time.

Hope that all is helpful and doesn’t sound patronizing - I just meant that I regret my own frustration, and so wanted to say that I’ve learned from it. :)
By Goatcheese - 3 Years Ago
bgames (7/28/2022)
Hi Peter, could you clarify the following passage:
Furthermore we would like to extend to you, the free upgrade period until Dec. 31st, 2022. All newly purchased items after July 27th, 2022, will be offered under the new Standard License fee. To apply for a free upgrade to Extended Licensing, kindly contact the Reallusion Support Team.

So I made contact with the support team and this doesn't seem to be the case. Only CC Components purchased prior to the 27th of July are upgraded for free. Nothing after that, unless, obviously, you buy an Extended License for said component.

By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
bgames (7/28/2022)
Hi Peter, could you clarify the following passage:
Furthermore we would like to extend to you, the free upgrade period until Dec. 31st, 2022. All newly purchased items after July 27th, 2022, will be offered under the new Standard License fee. To apply for a free upgrade to Extended Licensing, kindly contact the Reallusion Support Team.

Only content purchased before the 27th July 2022 will be upgraded to an Extended License for FREE. Can you provide a link to where the statement above is published? Unless I'm going blind I don't see it on the page I linked to in my original post. :crazy:
By bgames - 3 Years Ago
It was sent in an email, but guessing it was referring to something else then. Thank you for clarifying. 
By animatedbeing - 3 Years Ago
Still trying to figure out what "Upgrade - Extended" means on my order history page. I did a test and ordered the upgrade on a purchase made in January. I got a duplicate item instead with the standard license.

By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
animatedbeing (7/31/2022)
Still trying to figure out what "Upgrade - Extended" means on my order history page. I did a test and ordered the upgrade on a purchase made in January. I got a duplicate item instead with the standard license.

Any applicable content you already purchased  before the 27th July 2022 is automatically upgraded to the Extended License. You don't don't need to upgrade it yourself. However, please remember that not all content requires an Extended License to use in games and apps so some content will still show the Standard License. Content like props, motions, accessories and materials can be exported for use in games with the Standard License.

In the example you show above, you already had an extended license for the Parka Coat you previously purchased, so by purchasing a Standard License version you now have two copies of the same product. 
By animatedbeing - 3 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (8/1/2022)
animatedbeing (7/31/2022)
Still trying to figure out what "Upgrade - Extended" means on my order history page. I did a test and ordered the upgrade on a purchase made in January. I got a duplicate item instead with the standard license.

Any applicable content you already purchased  before the 27th July 2022 is automatically upgraded to the Extended License. You don't don't need to upgrade it yourself. However, please remember that not all content requires an Extended License to use in games and apps so some content will still show the Standard License. Content like props, motions, accessories and materials can be exported for use in games with the Standard License.

In the example you show above, you already had an extended license for the Parka Coat you previously purchased, so by purchasing a Standard License version you now have two copies of the same product. 

I got clarification from support - 
We are sorry for the system error, we've fixed this error. Since you purchased Parka Coat iContent on 1/2/2022, and now you pay the difference to upgrade to export license (Now we call it Standard license), so your first order should be iContent, not extended license. And now you've upgraded it to Standard License (We call it Export license before). I checked my history is now correct:

I had a number of iContent->Export upgrades in my last week but missed the boat by not checking out on 7/26.
Ultimately, I don't really need the extended licenses right now, since this is mainly a hobby for me.
I do plan to do a few non-public VR learning projects and proofs of concept, which I believe can be covered by upgrading to the Standard licenses.
Given the cost of hiring a content creator, I believe it is fair to pay more to get an export license if I later do a commercial project.

By mehmet.alpakut - 3 Years Ago
Hello, I am a single indie game developer who develops games for third-party publishers. As you can see in the attachment, I have these products in my inventory which started to be shown as standard license after the license agreement change: * Skingen Tool Plugin Pack (Plugin) = Standard Licence & Headshot Plugin Pack (Plugin) = Standard Licence & Digital Soul Animation Pack = Standard License & Hair Patches Pack = Standard License. I purchased them a while ago and they are exportable. I looked at their item page and they are not provided with extended license (There is no extended license for them at all on the website). Therefore, I think that it is not possible to get their extended license. Can I still use them in my game development? if not, to be honest, they are useless for almost any developer because there is no extended license for them.So, Can I use them for my indie commercial game development? (Yes or No)
By yepkoo - 3 Years Ago
Yes you can use.
Extended license only required for some CC4 products.
If you look at the previous posts Peter must have posted a post about it

I am satisfied with RL products and it is impossible for me to cover the cost of these products even if I wanted to from now on.
It would be really nice if there was a distinction for corporate clients.

All I will do is wait for product campaigns to be made at standard prices.
Of course, if there are such campaigns, I do not know if it will coincide with the time when I had money.

Also, pricing should vary from product to product.It doesn't really make sense to buy a 1 month marvelous designer license for $40 and sell a t-shirt you can make in 30 minutes for $60.

If the store prices (Hair, clothes, etc.) were this high before I bought these programs, I probably wouldn't be able to buy any products as an individual user.
So even if I wanted to, I couldn't buy it.

I think it is really important to separate Individual and Corporate customers.
Or I can suggest another solution.
There is no guarantee that a game will survive in the market.
At least for individual users, the game may initially be allowed to be sold with the standard license.
If the game is sold, the extended license fee of these products or a fixed amount may be requested.

Because if you buy 3 hair packs, it costs 2-3 thousand dollars and they are really crazy numbers.

I'm not saying what RL did is wrong.
However, a common solution should be proposed to include individual users.

If there are standard licensed products in the game, permission can be obtained by contacting RL at the beginning and payment can be requested according to the progress.
I'm sure that someone whose game sells well will pay more.
As long as RL is on the side of individual users in this regard.
By Sifr - 3 Years Ago
Some of my content is listed as iContent on my order history page and I have to purchase a standard license which is basically the price of the export license.  The extended license is 5x what the export license cost was, so the export license is now 5x.  I thought everything started at standard anyway, but 5x export to now extended is a bit of a stretch & the numbers on the upgrade page aren't lying to my eyes I know that much.  I now have sticker shock where once the prices for upgrades were manageable.
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
Sifr (8/3/2022)
Some of my content is listed as iContent on my order history page and I have to purchase a standard license which is basically the price of the export license.  The extended license is 5x what the export license cost was, so the export license is now 5x.  I thought everything started at standard anyway, but 5x export to now extended is a bit of a stretch & the numbers on the upgrade page aren't lying to my eyes I know that much.  I now have sticker shock where once the prices for upgrades were manageable.

You only need the Extended License if the CC Component content is to be used in mass distributed games or applications. The Standard License will allow you to export your content for non game and app use, such as for use in other 3rd party software like Blender, Omniverse, 3DS Max, Maya, Cinema 4D and so on. So to clarify, the Extended License is not the export price. It's the price for exporting CC Components for use in games and apps.
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
mehmet.alpakut (8/1/2022)
Hello, I am a single indie game developer who develops games for third-party publishers. As you can see in the attachment, I have these products in my inventory which started to be shown as standard license after the license agreement change: * Skingen Tool Plugin Pack (Plugin) = Standard Licence & Headshot Plugin Pack (Plugin) = Standard Licence & Digital Soul Animation Pack = Standard License & Hair Patches Pack = Standard License. I purchased them a while ago and they are exportable. I looked at their item page and they are not provided with extended license (There is no extended license for them at all on the website). Therefore, I think that it is not possible to get their extended license. Can I still use them in my game development? if not, to be honest, they are useless for almost any developer because there is no extended license for them.So, Can I use them for my indie commercial game development? (Yes or No)

Only CC Component content that you purchase from the stores requires an Extended License if you plan to use the content in mass distributed games or applications. CC Component content is ccProject, ccAvatar, ccSlider, ccHair, ccCloth, ccShoes and ccGloves. You do not need an Extended License for Props, Scenes, Accessories, Motions or Materials. These can be exported with the Standard License for use in games and applications.
By Jfrog - 3 Years Ago
 CC Component content is ccProject, ccAvatar, ccSlider, ccHair, ccCloth, ccShoes and ccGloves. You do not need an Extended License for Props, Scenes, Accessories, Motions or Materials. These can be exported with the Standard License for use in games and applications.

I am not sure I understand. What is a cc component? If I create characters in CC4, they have shoes, hair, Make up, clothes etc... Can I export them in Unity and make a VR app with these character and sell the app to everybody?Yes or no? Its worth nothing to export them to a third party app if we can not sell the final product at the end.
This licence model is really confusing. Peter can you shed the light on this please. I couldn't care less about the props and accessories , I need the CC4 character and motions, the rest is useless to me once in Unity.
By bgames - 3 Years Ago
He explained it, you need an extended license for anything that isn't an animation, material, or prop. So if you purchased a hair from the marketplace, then yes you need an extended license for that to use it in a videogame, same thing for clothing. ccProject, ccAvatar, ccSlider are a little more confusing but I assume they refer to morphs and other basic human shapes, like if you buy a realistic scan base or something. Props are a little confusing also, like would sunglasses be a prop or a clothing - probably have to check the product page to figure it out. 
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
bgames (8/4/2022)
Props are a little confusing also, like would sunglasses be a prop or a clothing - probably have to check the product page to figure it out. 

Sunglasses are an accessory, which is a prop attached to a character for which a Standard license would be enough. 
By F O R W A R D - 2 Years Ago
I am interested in having an Enterprise license. I've sent a mail form but I'd like to know how long it takes to get a reply in average and the price range for these. Is this a one time purchase perpetual license? Is it based on a project's income?

What other things are reviewed in order to get one? 

What if a game's content isn't public yet?

The Extended price is very expensive already so these things are intriguing since any modern game is supposed to have some customization from the users, it's 2023 you know, are we supposed to design 1990s type of games with these characters?

Can the players change clothes from pre-made outfits? Not by using a slider system or anything, just pre-made outfit selection.


Mafia 3 Wardrobe

GTA Vice City Outfit Item Pickups

If these things are not allowed with Extended and you don't make it easy or clear to get Enterprise then it's a bad situation for developers.

Last question. What about the modding community?

Does Reallusion realize that even AAA games get cracked and modded by the user base all the time and it's actually a way for people to extend the fun of the game and sometimes even enforced by studios such as Bethesda with Skyrim's Workshop?

I have this feeling of Reallusion being extremely out of touch with the current game's industry state and the indie game developers struggles.

So if Enterprise is the way for users to change clothes and hairstyles in game, can you guys make it way easier and clearer to get it?


Edit: Fixed typos.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
F O R W A R D (4/1/2023)
I am interested in having an Enterprise license. I've sent a mail form but I'd like to know how long it takes to get a reply in average and the price range for these. Is this a one time purchase perpetual license? Is it based on a project's income?

What other things are reviewed in order to get one? 

What if a game's content isn't public yet?


You should hear back soon if you have recently submitted the enquiry form. If you don't hear anything after a week or so then please contact Customer Support who will look into it for you. When you hear back you will be able to ask any questions you may have as Enterprise Licenses are negotiated on a case by case basis.

The Extended price is very expensive already so these things are intriguing since any modern game is supposed to have some customization from the users, it's 2023 you know, are we supposed to design 1990s type of games with these characters?

Can the players change clothes from pre-made outfits? Not by using a slider system or anything, just pre-made outfit selection.


Mafia 3 Wardrobe

GTA Vice City Outfit Item Pickups

If these things are not allowed with Extended and you don't make it easy or clear to get Enterprise then it's a bad situation for developers.

Having complete characters in different outfits chosen at the start of a game, or when switching scenes would be fine under the Extended License. However, choosing clothing (even full outfits) or other CC components like hair independent of the character would not be permitted with an Extended License as this would be deemed a character customization system which requires an Enterprise License.

I hope this helps answer your questions.
By F O R W A R D - 2 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (4/3/2023)
F O R W A R D (4/1/2023)
I am interested in having an Enterprise license. I've sent a mail form but I'd like to know how long it takes to get a reply in average and the price range for these. Is this a one time purchase perpetual license? Is it based on a project's income?

What other things are reviewed in order to get one? 

What if a game's content isn't public yet?


You should hear back soon if you have recently submitted the enquiry form. If you don't hear anything after a week or so then please contact Customer Support who will look into it for you. When you hear back you will be able to ask any questions you may have as Enterprise Licenses are negotiated on a case by case basis.

The Extended price is very expensive already so these things are intriguing since any modern game is supposed to have some customization from the users, it's 2023 you know, are we supposed to design 1990s type of games with these characters?

Can the players change clothes from pre-made outfits? Not by using a slider system or anything, just pre-made outfit selection.


Mafia 3 Wardrobe

GTA Vice City Outfit Item Pickups

If these things are not allowed with Extended and you don't make it easy or clear to get Enterprise then it's a bad situation for developers.

Having complete characters in different outfits chosen at the start of a game, or when switching scenes would be fine under the Extended License. However, choosing clothing (even full outfits) or other CC components like hair independent of the character would not be permitted with an Extended License as this would be deemed a character customization system which requires an Enterprise License.

I hope this helps answer your questions.

Thank you so much for the answers Peter. Only doubts left are game mod related. What happens if the players extract and mod the game's characters or if I want to design the game with mod support in mind. Is it understandable by Reallusion if we own Extended? or should we own Enterprise for things like mod support. Keep in mind that even without mod support intended, the modders might still find a way to extract models from any videogame. This is of course illegal to do but people still do it, but they can't use it for their own commercial projects of course.

I suggest that Reallusion pays a little bit more attention to the indie game development side of things. For example, It would be great if you guys provided us with the required EULA terms that we should be adding to our games regarding Reallusion characters and content with both Extended or Enterprise licenses.