key-frame motions in IC8.02
iClone 8
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By Galfridus
3 Years Ago
Previously it was so easy to make animations by setting a key frame pose then another,further along the time line and letting Iclone auto blend between the two. Often when I did this I didn`t even have to open the time line window , just scrol a little along the play bar and open the edit motion window.
The method is described here in the IC8 on-line manual.
Currently in IC8.02 it is not possible because If I create a pose then add another, you have to blend between the "poses" for yourself.
See this thread in the feedback tracker which says the fix is now released. Really ?
I am really struggling to do this blending myself. I don`t seem to be able to drag anything betwwen the edit points to make it happen.
What am I missing ? Apart from the way it used to work.
By Lordhi
3 Years Ago
Hi Geoff,
I'm not sure if I understand the problem correctly. Have you activated the Auto Extend Button in the timeline, see manual
? It' s button no. 10. This should produce the clip between two or more keyframes.
By Galfridus
3 Years Ago
Thank you very much for your helpful response Lordhi.
Updated to IC8.02 early this morning following which I tried out the Key frame edit function with little success.
Since then I have restarted my computer and reloaded Iclone 8.02
I now realize I was not getting an auto marker when I tried earlier today.. By setting a marker each time I edit the pose and using your suggestion I can now get it working to my satisfaction.
Now find it adds a default motion in the time line, which I can extend at will. I`m as confident as I can be that I wasn`t getting that before. Can also apply transition warps etc. to this.
I feel sure the process is not as simple/auto as it was but thankfully I can now make it work for me.
Your help with this has been very much appreciated.
By linus10111
3 Years Ago
Lordhi (7/20/2022)
Hi Geoff,
I'm not sure if I understand the problem correctly. Have you activated the Auto Extend Button in the timeline, see manual
? It' s button no. 10. This should produce the clip between two or more keyframes.
I was just about to post the same question as the OP. Lordhi you're a lifesaver, thanks!!!
By Lordhi
3 Years Ago
I'm glad I could help.