Exporting Hair with Dynamics?

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By bossdeff - 3 Years Ago
Hello, I was trying to export a character animation from iclone with the hair dynamics that it has. I used a hairstyle that when sent from CC3 to IC7 it had hair dynamics already set up & working, but i send it back to CC3 to export as FBX into Blender and the hair animation doesn't go with it.
I don't see an option to export Alembic from CC3. I tried using Motion Plus but that doesn't work either.
Is it not possible to export hair dynamics without 3DXchange?
By AutoDidact - 3 Years Ago
You need to use Iclone for alembic export, not CC3.
By bossdeff - 3 Years Ago
Which means i would need 3D exchange then :(, welp looks like they got me to a point to have to upgrade to iclone 8.
By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
bossdeff (7/6/2022)
Which means i would need 3D exchange then :(, welp looks like they got me to a point to have to upgrade to iclone 8.

Do you mean 3DXchange is still required to be able to successfully export Hair Dynamics (using Smart Hair system)? Even just using iClone 8 + Character Creator 4 combo, that still cannot be done? ...or did you upgrade to iClone 8 already and have success with exporting Hair Dynamics through that software alone?

By Wilby - 3 Years Ago

AutoDidact (7/6/2022)You need to use Iclone for alembic export, not CC3.

Hi AutoDidact! I tried your advise and it doesn't seem to work. I used iClone 8 to Blender 3.3. Can you provide any clues or maybe the proper settings to use when exporting? In iClone 8, I exported using Alembic format (abc) and selected Ogawa file format as Blender won't accept HDF5 anymore. I have also checked Project->Softcloth->Bake Animation (enabled->played animation->disabled) before exporting. Please refer to the images below for more info.


By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
Just got it! But now, I guess I have to manually add all those textures to the model in Blender since importing Alembic file did not go through like when using Victor.Soupday's CC/iC Pipeline Tools (FBX import):crying:

By Wilby - 3 Years Ago
3DXchange Pipeline DOES NOT seem to support exporting to Alembic (abc) file format. This means iClone 8 is REQUIRED if you wish to export hair animation? I hope this important information is clearly indicated for the Reallusion Smart Hair products. 

But I noticed I have the option for exporting to .abc in iClone 7 and it's just disabled because I do not have 3DXchange Pipeline. Maybe the table above is outdated. :ermm:


EDIT: To those interested, iClone 7 with 3DXchange supports exporting to Alembic (abc). Importing is supported even without 3DXchange Pipeline. But I still don't know how to properly and automatically import all the textures.  Related forum thread here and more product info can be found here.