Exports from iClone 8 to 3ds Max is well, pretty disappointing..
iClone 8
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By RobH2
3 Years Ago
I've spent the entire day trying to export the iClone 8 character Kevin to 3ds Max 2023. It's really disappointing. Admittedly, I'm pretty new to iClone, but I ignorantly assumed I could export something reasonably close to the great looking characters in iClone to Max. I didn't expect it to be perfect, but what I'm getting is downright awful and unusable. I'll post a Max render.
I'm I missing something? If there is a workflow that I just haven't figured out I'd love for someone to point it out for me.
By animagic
3 Years Ago
I don't have Max, but the first thing that comes to mind is that Opacity is not applied correctly, which would explain the weird hair, brows, and eyelashes.
Another thing to realize is that each 3D program has its own shader system that often doesn't translate one-to-one. I don't export to other systems usually, but I know a lot of work has gone into getting good results in Unreal or Blender.
There may be other 3DMax users that can assist further.
By RobH2
3 Years Ago
Thanks for that. Yea, that's what I thought but I couldn't correct it. Opacity maps don't even export.
I'm hoping a Max guru will weigh in and point out something I'm overlooking.
By RoughDude
3 Years Ago
+1 to subject
something wrong with brows
i do not have max but tried to load fbx exported from cc4 to blender
everything is fine except brows
By AutoDidact
3 Years Ago
RoughDude (6/14/2022)
+1 to subject
something wrong with brows
i do not have max but tried to load fbx exported from cc4 to blender
everything is fine except brows
Did you use the pipeline add-on for the import.
By RoughDude
3 Years Ago
thank you for pointing to that pipeline
i checked it out. really, there is a free auto-setup plugin for importing characters to Blender.
here is a tutorial
download link
i installed the plugin and tried to use button "Import character" from a panel, appeared after installation, instead of using standard "Import->Import from FBX" sequence.
I think the result is much better, brows are OK, and no any errors in textures
By AutoDidact
3 Years Ago
If you Plan to animate you can access your imotion/actor core animations and apply them inside blender with this add-on