Motion Director is slow
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By magnoliaPower - 3 Years Ago

When I activate Motion Director, Motion Director itself and iClone become very slow to react.
I do not think it is my computer config (for instance, Omniverse is smooth). 
Maybe Windows 11 instead of Windows 10?
Any idea to share to improve the reactivness?
(Sorry, I know it is a blurry question).

By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago

I don't think it will have anything to do with Windows 11 as I'm not seeing any slowdown on my Windows 11 system.

Some things worth checking:

1. Make sure you have updated iClone 8 to version 8.01.
2. Check that you have the latest graphics drivers installed.
3. Close down all other non essential applications and see if there is a performance increase.
4. If you have customised the Nvidia Graphics Settings for iClone, please restore them to the default global setting (application controlled as shown below). Customising the Nvidia settings is known to cause performance issues so is not recommended.

By magnoliaPower - 3 Years Ago
Thanks for your reply.
All things checked.
IClone is still laggy at some point.
If I do nothing for a while, it crashes, even with a demo project (nothing done by me).
IC7 is ok.

By KGD - 3 Years Ago

Please see the above. Where is the "Motion Director Control Center"?