Smart content gallery doesn't seem to work, morph sliders missing
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By jz11 - 3 Years Ago
Hello, I own CC3 and few plugins for it, additional morph sliders and so on, today installed the CC4 (I was eligible for the free upgrade), started it up, it opens, but once it prompted for the downloading of essential character set, I opted for "Get it later"

Now the problem Nr. 1 - all the tabs in the content tab are empty, refreshing doesn't help, it just says it is "preparing..." for a while, the slider animates, and then back to empty, doesn't matter if I switch between "Item" or "
Problem Nr. 2 - morph sliders for body are missing, only thing I could really do is to load a neutral base, then I click on it, click the Modify>Morphs and there are few sliders there under the Actor Parts, CC_Base_Eye, CC_Base_EyeOcclusion, TearLine and Teeth, no other sliders are present

I tried uninstalling it, reinstalled (including waiting for it to download again), nothing changed, same exact problems, and the "Essential Characters Set" window doesn't pop up any more, and I can't find a way to trigger it again, content library open, refreshing does nothing, same 4 morph sliders only
Tried starting it up with administrator rights, didn't help either.

edit: if I click the Plugins at the top, Smart gallery isn't listed there (and it is listed if I start the CC3, where all the previously mentioned things worked)
If I open the Reallusion Hub program, Smart gallery plugin is listed under CC3, but isn't under the CC4, there were couple plugins for CC4 for which I was eligible for an update, like Headshot, SkinGen and Iray Render, those installed and are listed under the Plugin dropdown in CC4, but the smart gallery isn't  

edit2: seems like Reallusion servers are timing out, trying to refresh the content manager list for the 55 time worked, things are starting to show up in there, will leave it open for a while to see what will it be able to download and/or update, perhaps the morph sliders are queued for some sort of automatic update
By catherine.kuerten - 3 Years Ago
There are two things happening here:

1. As you mentioned, the servers are not really responding. I also just found out that constantly refreshing it works best.

2. There is no smart gallery anymore. It is now the new content manager. The Reallusion Youtube Account has 2 good videos on the new content manager and how it works.
By Edward (RL) - 3 Years Ago

The new Content Manager is now integrating the Smart Gallery and being an embed function for iClone8 and CC4.
No need to download it additionally, also the old Smart Gallery still works for iClone7 and CC3.
Please take a look at the page:
By jz11 - 3 Years Ago
issues resolved themselves after the gallery started working, redownloaded the morph packages and everything is back to normal as far as I can see

an error message saying the number of connections have been exceeded or some other message about the gallery being unable to connect to servers would have been nice to have... 
By narayankumawat92021 - Last Year
Hello sir / maam 
Sir i bought cartoon character designer Toon - figures and when I add it's cartoon character morphs in custom section of my character creater 4.4 then all the morphs are successfully installed in cc4.4 but when I use them to make my 3d character cartoony, they are not working
It made me so irritate please 🥺 guide me how can I fix it 
Please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
By Peter (RL) - Last Year
narayankumawat92021 (10/25/2024)
Hello sir / maam 
Sir i bought cartoon character designer Toon - figures and when I add it's cartoon character morphs in custom section of my character creater 4.4 then all the morphs are successfully installed in cc4.4 but when I use them to make my 3d character cartoony, they are not working
It made me so irritate please 🥺 guide me how can I fix it 
Please 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Unfortunately it's not easy to understand the problem with the information you have provided.

Please can you provide more detailed information or even better please provide a link to a video showing the issue first hand so we can see what is happening. Thanks.