Font Type used in label on 00 Hand Bone Gestures Demo
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By reg_890597 - 2 Years Ago
Does any one know what font type is used in the 00 Hand Bone Gestures Demo for the text Animate Hand Bone Gestures as show in the image below?

Kind regards,
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
I use a website that determines a font based on an image:

Doing that with the font above, I got several results. The closest in my view is:

By reg_890597 - 2 Years Ago
Cool, thanks for sharing this info, much appreciated.
Kind regards,
By reg_890597 - Last Year
Apologies for not responding with the results until now as we moved house last year and I did not have the time until now but again thanks for the response given previously
I downloaded the font from the link but when I used Font Book on my Mac it said:
2 warning notification that minor problems were found
1 Serious error and you cannot use the font
I looked for another site to download the font to check if I get the same result: I downloaded the font from
I used the reference guide on how to install a font on an Mac from
Using Font Book resulted in  
2 warning notification that minor problems were found but no error.
After investigating the warning from I appears that this warning t might look like a scary warning, but in fact, this should not stop you from enjoying the font on your Mac/iOS.
I went ahead and installed the font. I've not noticed any issues but installing it but Note installing it on your own machine is
at your own risk.
By animagic - Last Year
Thanks for reporting back. I had all but forgotten that it was me who provided an answer...Unsure

Interesting about the errors. I don't use a Mac and the article says that Windows doesn't give warnings but has the same problem. However, I did install it and other than the article suggests I can use it without issue.