By leandromeire - 3 Years Ago
Hi guys, I have bought Skin Gen plugin and I´m trying to creating realistic tattoos, but the edges make the tattoo looks like a decal. There´s no Normal Map, and Bevel values are all zero.
By leandromeire - 3 Years Ago
Strange... After exit the editor, the look changed. In fact, it´s better.
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
Exiting the editor bakes the various textures (the tattoo will become part of the head texture), so this may improve the looks through blending. Something like that...:unsure:
By leandromeire - 3 Years Ago
Ah, ok. Thank you animagic.
By leandromeire - 3 Years Ago
Well, I´m yet seeing an edge that makes the tattoo look as a decal. You can see the diference in the default tattoo (elf script). It hasn´t this strange edge. Anybody knows how to get rid of it?
By yepkoo - 3 Years Ago
You can experiment with blur and expansion sliders in skin settings. You can also try to reduce the whiteness sharpness towards the edges with photoshop on the tattoo image. You can also lower the opacity values a bit. When you look at the picture very, very closely, of course, it may look a little more like a sticker.