Launch External Image editor wont work....its blanked out
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By bootysaur - 3 Years Ago am i doing wrong i want to build a character in photoshop
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago

Your screenshot shows you don't have anything selected. If you select for example RArm_Layer in Layer Manager then the "Launch External Image Editor" button will become active.
By bootysaur - 3 Years Ago
even when i select anything it wont work, isn't it supposed to launch the whole dummy character. Also doesn't let me select the entire character. If I shift select in the scene manager it only launches one body part.
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
No ""Launch External Image Editor"" is intended for a selected sprite editing. If you want to export the whole character to Photoshop, and you have the Pipeline version of Cartoon Animator 4, then you can select "Launch PSD Editor" from the same side toolbar. This will then open the character in Photoshop where you can change the sprites to your own custom images.
By bootysaur - 3 Years Ago
ooooooOOOOOOOOOH ok so i have to upgrade form pipeline from pro or is this a downgrade?
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
bootysaur (2/18/2022)
ooooooOOOOOOOOOH ok so i have to upgrade form pipeline from pro or is this a downgrade?

If you currently have Cartoon Animator 4 Pro you can still create custom chracters but you do it in CTA4 itself rather than in Photoshop.

Please take look at the tutorial below which explains the process.

Cartoon Animator 4 Tutorial - Character Creation with G3 Template