ToonTorial: Developing Cel-shaded Avatars in iClone (...or CC)
iClone 7
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By General Picture Animation
3 Years Ago
Here is the toon-torial folks have been asking for. :P
By toystorylab
3 Years Ago
Interesting... Thanx
By bexley
3 Years Ago
This is really great -- I've been fiddling with stuff like this for the last four years, but for the last three years --THREE YEARS -- Iclone has screwed up the line width tool. I need a single pixel line-width at every resolution, starting around 1280. The image I rendered here is 1280x1280, 1 pixel line at 80% intensity and a Normal Threshold of 100.
After version 7.2 they screwed up the line width so that it enlarges at higher resolutions. Is it now fixed? This image was rendered in 7.2 according to the settings above.