HELP !!! Invalid activation for Faceware...
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By Kalex - 4 Years Ago
Hello everyone,
Without any warning, when I tried to launch Codemeter to launch the Faceware realtime for iclone, I got this issue: invalid activation. I'm trying to re-activate it in the license activation page but it tells me "no valid ticket found" when I copy the serial number...
I don't know what else I can do. I would really appreciate your help, I need it asap for work and a job opportunity...

Thank you !

By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago

Sorry to hear you have run into activation problems with Faceware.

Unfortunately as Faceware is a 3rd party products all activation issues are handled by Faceware themselves. We have no access to the activation system used.

Please see the FAQ page below which contains the contact details for Faceware.
By Kalex - 4 Years Ago
Hello Peter, 

thanks for your reply. I've wrote to faceware support, found a quick solution after 2 days. More fear than harm then...