PAID PROJECT.. NEED DEVOLOPER....i AM NEED TO HAVE Curve editor Position (xyz) for character (hands, feet, legs, )
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By megaoutput - 4 Years Ago
I Would love to have the ability to control the keyframes of the position of the XYZ for character limbs and body inside curve editor. Right now you can only control the rotation of limbs inside the curve editor, which makes it hard to do clean-up for mocap.  I know it seems like such a small update but with this update  the cleanup, mocap for games and film would whole a lot easier especially foot sliding. IF you are a developer.... I am looking to have this done asap please email me the cost to update the curve editor with that feature.
if you are not a developer please at least upvote it

By animagic - 4 Years Ago
Limbs are all about rotation, so that is the only parameter available for the Curve Editor to work with.

Changes in position that you accomplish with the gizmo have to be translated in to rotation settings for the various bones using IK.

Adding position in 3D space would make things very complicated, because what would be the reference?

Lastly, the Curve Editor plugin is owned by RL, so making changes (which would require reverse engineering) is against the EULA.
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
Megaoutput - I have replied to your private message. Please check your Inbox for my reply.