A bunch of of stuff I did with iClone and Character Creator.

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By mpdavis007 - 4 Years Ago
Here's a bunch of stuff I did with iClone and Character Creator.

By Alolu - 4 Years Ago
Wow, nice work!  You're really talentedt! :)
By Amper Sand - 4 Years Ago
Looks absolutely great, very cinematic! Congratulations :)
By Cary B - 4 Years Ago
Wow, I am definitely impressed! What talent! Some terrific camera effects in the Blast-em up section. Very fun to watch. Are these original characters and scripts of yours? Some I see, are not. Not familiar with others. 
By mpdavis007 - 4 Years Ago
Thanks so much

By mpdavis007 - 4 Years Ago
Thanks so much

By mpdavis007 - 4 Years Ago
Thank you- I am looking to upgrade my pc - should I follow the specs you have listed.
By mpdavis007 - 4 Years Ago
Thank you- I am looking to upgrade my pc - should I follow the specs you have listed.
By mpdavis007 - 4 Years Ago
By mpdavis007 - 4 Years Ago
I wrote a script for Blast ‘Em Up - for fun I put Michael Caine and Idris Elba cameos in the video
By toystorylab - 4 Years Ago
Nice! And well done... ;)
By Peter Blood - 4 Years Ago
Superb!!! All of that clip was extraordinarily excellent. Kudos.

:cool: pete
By TimothyMasters - 4 Years Ago
That was really good!  Where did you get those wonderful robot avatars near the beginning?  Are they available for purchase at Reallusion?

I have to say, what set this work apart from most of the postings I see here (including my own amateur work) is that you are not just a technician.  You are an artist.  I really, really wish I had artistic talent.  I'm a fairly good technician, and improving all the time.  Some day years from now I hope to be an excellent technician.  But I still won't be an artist.  All I can do is study the work of artists like you and try to absorb something.  It hasn't worked so far, but I'll keep trying.  Thanks for sharing those excellent shorts.
By charly Rama - 4 Years Ago
congrats for these so good works