How to use facial and lip-sync animation for ActorCore characters?
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By Bridgette_RL - 4 Years Ago

To apply facial and lip-sync animation to ActorCore characters, first of all, you need to get the latest iClone versionwhich supports AccuLips and ActorCore characters:

How to apply facial animation:

ActorCore characters are based on the Game-Base facial topology (lower-poly) and work with all iClone Facial Editing features - Face Key Edit, Face Puppet, Facial Mocap.
Just make sure you use the traditional facial profiles.  ExPlus profiles are not supported yet.

Learn more about adding facial animation to ActorCore characters:

How to apply lip-sync animation:

First, in ActorCore download options, make sure the Target Application is selected to "iClone" 

With ActorCore, there are two lip-sync methods: 

- Traditional Lip-sync: ActorCore characters are natively compatible with traditional lip-sync which works for all languages. 

- For highly accurate English lip-sync, please follow the steps bellow:

1. Apply a CC3+ character to the scene, and use AccuLips to create the lip-sync animation sequence.

AccuLips editing currently is only compatible with CC3+ characters, but when exported, .iTalk format can be applied to ActorCore characters without problems.  

2. Save the talking script as an *.iTalk file.

3. Apply the *.iTalk to your ActorCore character; then it should work like a magic!

Please refer to the diagram below for better understanding of how these two lip-sync options are processed for ActorCore:

By argus1000 - 4 Years Ago
Hi Bridgette,

How do you save the script as an .italk file? I can save as an .imotion file, but not as an .italk file? Thanks.
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
Hi Argus

In Content Manager switch to the Animation > Face. Now click the Add/Replace button at the bottom of Content Manager to save the iTalk file to your custom library.
By Amper Sand - 4 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (8/27/2021)In Content Manager switch to the Animation > Face. Now click the Add/Replace button at the bottom of Content Manager to save the iTalk file to your custom library.

I gave you five stars for this :D I never figured out it's possible to save a custom iTalk in iClone. Great tip, thanks!

By argus1000 - 4 Years Ago
Thanks, Peter. It's a bit tricky. I had the wrong folder selected. And it's saved in the "Script" folder too.
By argus1000 - 4 Years Ago
Is there a difference for facial animation between “motion plus” files and “italk” files? I know the “motion plus” files include the body animation, but I looked at 
a small Acculips facial animation of a CC3+ character rendered in both formats and I didn’t see any the facial movements. Is it that the “italk” files process the new Acculips standard? Thanks.
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
iTalk files just contain the facial animation and the voice whereas MotionPlus can contain facial animation, voice and also full body animation.

So you have:

iTalk = facial animation and voice script.
iMotion or .rlMotion = full body animation.
iMotionPlus = includes all the above in one file.