Needing some advice and guidance please.
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By mikebhaines - 4 Years Ago
I am creating a series of YouTube videos and have this idea.  I have this idea in my head for the Q&A videos. I see a computer robot head asking the questions and then myself IRL answering them. The trouble is I do not know what to search for to find if there is such a thing on the net.
My questions are;
1,  Can I use this software to create my idea?
2. Is there other software which would be better?
3. How easy is it to use this software?
4, Any advice from you on this idea?

By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
Hi Mike

All of our software titles can do what you need if you are talking about pre-recorded video rather than in a live setting.

The easiest to use is CrazyTalk 8 which only animates talking heads and is the quickest to learn. We also have Cartoon Animator 4 which is 2D animation software. This animates full bodied characters as well as supporting facial motion capture using just a webcam. Finally we have iClone 7 which is full 3D animation software. iClone has the steepest learning curve but at the same time offers the most features.

Please take a look at the page below which explains a little more about each title. If you still have questions after please let us know. :)
By Kelleytoons - 4 Years Ago
One of the things you might consider is how much work/effort you want to do in terms of the actual animation.  Nowadays there are some very sophisticated tools which help with the process, particularly with just animating the head.  If you have an iPhone at least as recent as the X (as long as it has the facial ID camera) you can buy Motion Live and Live Face from Reallusion and then automagically animate your robot head by just pointing the camera at your own face and talking.  Or, if you don't have such a phone (or want to use another voice that someone provides but can't do the face) you could use the Acculips function in iClone to just type in the words and they will be matched up to the video and, again, create easy lipsync (you'd have to add some facial expression if you wanted - perhaps a robot doesn't need much).

The iPhone stuff works with both the 3D iClone and the 2D Cartoon Animator.  Then you'd have to figure out how to get your robot head - it's somewhat easier to do in 3D since others have created such models you could use, but it's not impossible to do it in 2D or even to find something suitable to buy.  Once you have those pieces the rest is very, very simple and RL's products are indeed the ticket to creating such a series without too much skill or effort involved.

So - to sum.  If you have or could buy an iPhone with facial ID, then all you need do is look to find your robot head (either in 2D or 3D).  If you find it (and we can help) then you can decide what product you need to use it.  If you don't have the phone and don't want to buy it, then my advice would be to stick to 3D iClone since the Acculips function could be used to generate the lipsync you need.  You still need to find the right robot head, though.

Just my two cents - others here will have other ideas.
By Am7add9 - 4 Years Ago
a year sub to adobe would probably be far far less then rl software + plugins, mocap suit and iphone x
By mikebhaines - 4 Years Ago
I have an Iphone with Face recognition. so do I look for those programmes in the App Store or do I record video buy the software and use it on my pc?
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
Hi Mike

To use facial mocap with the iPhone you will need the following from us. These are installed on your PC:

iClone 7
Motion LIVE 3D
Live Face (iPhone) Gear Profile

And then from the Apple App Store you will need the FREE Live Face App which is installed on your iPhone.
By mikebhaines - 4 Years Ago
Thanks for the help. Appreciated. 
By Kelleytoons - 4 Years Ago
Just to clarify what Peter said - the Motion Live and Live Face are needed, but you can also use them with Cartoon Animator if you want to go the 2D route.  So that's your first decision - which main program do you want do use first?  If you go 2D then you don't need iClone, and if you go 3D you don't need Cartoon Animator (if you buy Motion Live they will give you a version which works with each, the same with Live Face.  Or at least they used to do so - I assume that's still true but Pete can tell us for sure).

For me I'd go 3D because I do think it's easier to get the heads you want.  But if you give us an example of exactly what head you have in mind for your robot we can be more precise in our recommendations.  Find some images that you'd like to get close to and post them here.