By - 4 Years Ago
I create a new subject for this. I found no answer on internet and I believe it deserve it's own Topic.
I record some mocap with the Perception-Neuron-32, I reccord them with Axis Neuron, export with Biovision BVH (*.bvh), then I convert them with 3dxchange as rlmotion but when I put those motion in A character or iAvatar in Iclone, the arms stay in the T pose! But why? Do you have any idea why? Whats weird is that in an other computer it works perfectly fine ( the one I recorded everything but I work remotedly so I can't have acces to it everyday.)
This drive me nuts! ahah ^^ If you have any suggestion even an hint, please feel free to share!
Works fine on 3dxchange!
Nope the arms wants to stay in T-pose!
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
If it is working fine in iClone on one computer but not on a different computer, check that both versions of iClone are updated to same version. It may be there is a compatibility issue due to a version mismatch.