By Miranda (RL) - 4 Years Ago
Hi Character Creator Users,
Character Creator is just updated to version 3.42 to fix some bugs. Please check your Reallusion Hub to update to the latest version.
- Fixed: Restore session dialog does not appear after iClone / Character Creator has crashed. (FT #7778, reported by nelm2010)
- Fixed: Hair exported to Unreal with vertex color applied will adversely influence the physics weight map settings, giving the wrong result. (FT #7880, reported by weili)
- Enhanced: "Use T-Pose As Bind Pose" option is added for CC3+ FBX export (set to disabled by default). This setting is mainly for making Blender compatible with ActorCore motion, under normal circumstances, this setting should be disabled.

Reallusion Team
By wires - 4 Years Ago
Cool. :):cool:
By Dhawa - 4 Years Ago
Very nice. Thanks