Little help getting started
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By jc_328908 - 4 Years Ago
Don't have time to go thru tutorials that talk about things I will never use.
How do I select a bone on a character and have the curve editor show me that bone and the keyframes?  Thanks.

Also, when I select a new bone, can the editor auto show me those keys?

Maybe someone can point me in the direction of tutorials more targeted to what iclone was advertised for...meaning character animation.  The getting started tut is about a bouncing ball...I would do this in blender or maya.  I need something to show me character animation, not building a scene with props and lights...iclone is not strong in that.  Moving bones, adjusting curves, etc for the character is what I am after...navigation of keys, auto select bone, go over to curve editor and adjust, more Motionbuilder like functionality is what I am looking for.  Thanks.  I got the fbx export thing, I need help on the bone movement, keyframing, animation layers and curve editor
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago

If you are looking for Curve Editor tutorials, please check out the playlist below.
By jc_328908 - 4 Years Ago
So it looks like it only works in FX mode, not IK mode, meaning auto select editor bones.