Blendshapes! How to edit them?
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By software_127003 - 4 Years Ago
Hello! I'm creating my characters using CC Headshot plugging and zbrush. After getting them to a good state in neutral expression, it was noticeable that their blendshapes could use some tweaks after playing around with some expressions. How do I change and update or save new blendshapes? Even if it needs other software (like iclone) can you please point me to some good tutorial or documentation?

By aseer002 - 4 Years Ago
Also, I am interested in how to edit or create new custom of blendshapes. 
By vidi - 4 Years Ago
New Facial Expression can set  in 3Dxchange. 
For that, export mesh in the Expression editor , modify this in a 3D Programm and import the new morph, aka blend-shape, back in the expression editor.

save this template and drag end dop this file on your character in CC .