By Kipley - 4 Years Ago
Hi, I'm new to CA 4, just downloaded it a couple days ago. I am attempting a tutorial that demonstrates how to use facial motion capture to animate, but the preview and record buttons are grayed out. I cannot find a solution, can anyone suggest what might be going wrong here? I am working on a Mac. Thanks in advance.
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
First you need to click the Face3D "Connect" button so it turns green (arrowed below), and then you have select Face3D from the dropdown that is arrowed at the bottom. Then Preview and Record will become active.
By Kipley - 4 Years Ago
OMG - thank you! I thought I just had to click on the box, I didn't realize the red circle was a button. It works now!
By gorg222 - 3 Years Ago
I have the same grayed out behavior, but button is green as connected (also character has Live Face selected for head). The main issue is that it happens only after few minutes of using. Only restarting IClone it fixes it for a while again. Although Tracking Data Inspector clearly shows connection is made and values change, so this seems to be just an UI bug something messing up, and buttons are then disabled for no reason. Also reloading the iclone project doesn't help. One needs to restart the whole iClone software.