MOV transparency in iClone
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By Animaniac - 4 Years Ago
Hi Folks, I was wondering if there is a way to activate the transparency with mov's in iClone?
Can't seem to get it working yet, though I have just updated everything and will give it another go. I was applying the mov to a surface and it's not coming out with the transparency.
Any ideas?
By kylelee - 4 Years Ago
Animaniac (4/19/2021)
Hi Folks, I was wondering if there is a way to activate the transparency with mov's in iClone?
Can't seem to get it working yet, though I have just updated everything and will give it another go. I was applying the mov to a surface and it's not coming out with the transparency.
Any ideas?
I still prefer to export popVideo to iClone. 
Because you have to add opacity material to the surface.
But you will get an un-sync animation between Base Color and Opacity.

Import mov to iClone:

Import popVideo to iClone:
By Animaniac - 4 Years Ago
Thanks! I was wondering about that. I couldn't get the transparency to work at all, I imported the mov with transparency into the opacity section, but still not a good result. Very odd. But it looks like the shadows work better with pop video too.
By brothertcoleman - 4 Years Ago
Kylelee,thank you for that tip ,I didn't know Popvideo could cast shadows like that in iClone,this opens up more ideas.
By kylelee - 4 Years Ago
You are welcome,
I am expecting to see having more testing between Cartoon Animator and iClone.