No connection after updating the Smart Gallery Character Creator 3.4
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By rosuckmedia - 4 Years Ago
I installed all updates via the RL HUB.
No connection to the Smart Gallery, Character Creator 3.4
I also uninstalled and reinstalled the Smart Gallery.
No improvement
Greetings rosuckmedia
By wires - 4 Years Ago
Same here. SG works OK with iClone though.
By rosuckmedia - 4 Years Ago
Iclone 7.9 Smart Gallery works for me too
Greetings rosuckmedia
By Kelleytoons - 4 Years Ago
SmartGalley has never worked for me (and still doesn't in the latest release).

I just download using the regular RLD files and that seems to install just fine (for me SG is the biggest piece of crap ever made).
By wires - 4 Years Ago
Looks as though this was released without any testing being done. :angry::Whistling: