New User With GPU Question
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By pixelforce - 4 Years Ago
First off - "Hi." I am new here and brand new to Realluion so please forgive me if I don't understand how the different software offering work with one-another. 
Can someone help me and look my laptop specs below and tell me if it is sufficient and what kind of performance I might expect to run Ultimate Digital Human bundle? I think this bundle includes CC3, SkinGen Premium, and Headshot. The GPU was my biggest concern but I listed all the specs in case you more info was needed.

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Max-Q
CPU: i7 10750
SSD: 1TB (likely only going to have about 300GB free but I assume I can work work from an external SSD? or does the 500GB requirement shown on Reallustion's website need to be at the C: drive level? 

Thank you for any insight

By animagic - 4 Years Ago
Your GPU has 4GB of VRAM, so it depends on what you want to do.

If your purpose is to only create characters using CC3, you will most likely be OK.

However, for working with iClone (which you don't mention) to animate your characters, you would at least need 8 GB of VRAM
By pixelforce - 4 Years Ago
Thank you Animagic. Yes, simply character modeling in CC3, then export to Blender for scene development and rendering - rendering on a tower not the laptop. I hope it’s not too laggy on the laptop, I will download the trial and try it. In your opinion is the requirement of 500GB of free disc space going to be an issue for a single character? I think that’s a SkinGen requirement.

At the moment I am only rendering stills but that’s great info on the vram for the future - someday I would love to be able to work entirely on a mobile workstation.

I am Blender user and not familiar with iClone at all. I’m going for realism in my art and don’t know if I can accomplish that in iClone - and then to have to learn another software application...

Thank you for your help.
By animagic - 4 Years Ago
There are several users that have a similar pipeline: creating characters in CC and then doing the rest in Blender, so there is help for that here. One of them is Autodidact, who regularly posts about this.

As to disk space, it is indeed a good idea to have the programs on C:\ but any content on an external drive. Over time, content can take up a lot of space, so it is good to be prepared for that. You can specify this during installation, so it is important to have the drive already connected and a drive letter assigned. If it is D:\, for example, you would specify D:\Reallusion for the content. You only specify the root (Reallusion), the program creates the rest of the folders.

I have a laptop for iClone and CC with an external drive of 4TB. It is just a regular HD, but with SSDs getting cheaper all the time that is now a feasible option.

Added: Here is a recent thread that may interest you: