Would be nice to update my Realluskon software without needing an online connection...

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By martok2112 - 4 Years Ago
Ever since the Kung Flu hit, I have had to drop a LOT of expenses... including my internet access.   My only internet access is my smart phone.

My iClone7, 3DExchange 7, and CC3 are way out of date,  and so far, no means to update them.... they will not let me do so without "license" checks. I can download the data to my smart phone,  and copy it to my PC, but from there,  no joy on updating my software.   Is there a way to do so that I have missed?

I would love to be able to get the Popcorn FX and other features.
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
You should be able to set your phone as a mobile hotspot and then connect your computer to the internet via the phone as if the phone was a wi-fi router. On an iPhone you just go to Settings > Personal/Mobile Hotspot and turn it on from there. I would imagine the same process applies on Android phones as well. 

It might eat up your data if you are on a limited allowance but you should be able to update that way.
By martok2112 - 4 Years Ago
Hi, Peter,

Aye .. that had occurred to me.... sadly,  my phone service is really difficult to try and get that aspect started,  but I will try it again. 

Thanks,  and take care. 🙂